
Easy implement rotary encoder to your application using microcontroler like ESP32

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Use this library to connect and use a rotary encoder with ESP32 or ESP8266.

But it is a bit more than just that.

Strongly recomended is to try a few included examples to see how it works.

The main fatures are:

  • select a number in a predifined range. For example select a termostat value between 18 and 29 Celsius degrees.
  • you can also set step size. Meaning in previous example you can select temperature in steps of 0.5 degrees (18.0, 18.5 .....). Of course step can be also greater than 1 like select a motr speed 500-3000 in steps of 100 (500,600, ....,2900,3000). See examples like FM-radio-tuner
  • when using large range like select a number of repeating operation (1....5000) setting a desired number like 4525 cen be frustrating without using acceleration. Acceleration is a nice option you can use in such cases, meaning that if you rotate fast it will go like (1,2,3,5,10,15,30,50,100...) so use fast movements for getting close to desired number and then start rotating slower for a precise selection.

To disable use

  • additionally there is a helper so see example Number-select which includes a NumberSellector
  • if you want to implement a menu, see example Multi-select
  • in some cases like menus, you would like to go from last item to first. Boolean cycleValues parameter set to true will do exactly that.

Using a button

You can also use a button. Version 1.3 and above has significant changes after I found previous implementation didnt fit my needs. All examples are now updated, so if you used it before and getting crashes or you dont like a button how it is working, check a new examples.

For compatibility older examples still works but will become obsolete soon.

update 2023-05 for button custom iplementation (long click...)

Some people asked how they can handle more complex button events like double click, short press, long press.

There is an example Esp32RotaryEncoderButtonOptions.ino

You will fint there how to implement long press, how to invert button state, but also get ideas how to implement double click. The code is nonblocking so try to rotate a rotary encoder while the button is down.

Support fot ESP8266 added 10/2021

Support added also for ESP8266

Changes in button processing 10/2021

Old button using interrupt is now obsolete. Please look at upadated examples how to handle click, properly initialize encoder and avoid crashing.

New feature added 02/2021 - accelerated movement

In case a range to select is large, for example - select a value between 0 and 1000 and we want 785, without accelerateion you need long time to get to that number. However using new implemented acceleration, faster you turn, faster will the value raise.For fine tuning just slow down. In new example imagine any random naumber between 1 and 1000 and try to select it as fast as you can using example code, and after that disable acceleration and try again.

rotaryEncoder.setAcceleration(250); this will set acceleration; larger number = more accelearation; 0 or 1 means disabled acceleration

rotaryEncoder.disableAcceleration(); This will disable acceleration (now enabled by default) in case you dont need one.

Recomendation - turn off for small ranges; but turn on when you select from more than 50 values in range.

Arduino Esp32 Encoder Library

Rotary encoder main interrupt code is extracted from (https://github.com/marcmerlin/IoTuz) and some additional features are included here.


This library enables easy implementation of rotary encoder functionality in your application for ESP32, ESP8266 (or similar microcontroller).


Since 2021 you can download using Arduino, which is preffered way:

 Sketch / include Library / Manage Libraries

 in search box type "ai rotary" (without quotes)

Alternative way (to get not yet published version) The downloaded code can be included as a new library into the IDE selecting the menu:

 Sketch / include Library / Add .Zip library

Restart the Arduino IDE and follow the examples located at

 File -> Examples -> Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder

Connecting Rotary Encoder Module to your microcontroller ESP32, ESP8266 (or similar)

This are instructions for "Rotary Encoder Module" which is actually Rotary Encoder with 2 resistors on board.

CLK (A pin) - connect to any microcontroler input pin with interrupt -> in this example pin 32

DT (B pin) - connect to any microcontroler input pin with interrupt -> in this example pin 21

SW (button pin) - connect to any microcontroler input pin -> in this example pin 25

VCC - for this you can two options:

a) connect to microcontroler VCC (then set ROTARY_ENCODER_VCC_PIN -1) or

b) connect to any microcontroler output pin - in this example pin 25

GND - connect to microcontroler GND

Connecting Rotary Encoder with Switch (no pcb version. The encoder is like this) to your microcontroller ESP32, ESP8266 (or similar)

There is no need for external resistors, you can use only the encoder.

3 pin side:

Right pin (A pin) - connect to any microcontroler input pin with interrupt -> in the example pin 22

Left pin (B pin) - connect to any microcontroler input pin with interrupt -> in the example pin 23

Middle pin - connect to microcontroller Gnd

2 pin side:

one of the 2 pins: connect to microcontroller Gnd

the other pin: connect to any microcontroller input pin -> in this example pin 25

You have to set INPUT_PULLUP of Right and Left pins with pinMode(ROTARY_ENCODER_A_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); and pinMode(ROTARY_ENCODER_B_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); Look example Esp32RotaryEncoderTheShortestExampleNoResistors.

There is a new option areEncoderPinsPulldownforEsp32. By default it is true, but in case you use ESP32 you can set it to true. It doesn't make any change for ESP8266, only ESP32.

rotaryEncoder.areEncoderPinsPulldownforEsp32 = false;

There is a new option isButtonPulldown. By default it is false, but in case you use ESP32 you can set it to true. See Multi-select example. It doesn't make any change for ESP8266, only ESP32.

rotaryEncoder.isButtonPulldown = true;

How to use

I suggest you should start using built in example. After installing library (and reopening Arduino IDE if required) open

File -> Examples -> Ai Esp32 Rotary Encoder

If you didnt use suggested pins, adjust defines


For ESP8266 you can use Dx as pin names like in example:


Then upload code to microcontroller.

README_old.md contains more information but some parts are obsolete.