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Game "Farbenfall" for GameJam "My First Game Jam: Winter 2021"
This is a Chrome Extension to enhance the experience with the Overlay functionality of The main propose was to get the alert peep of loot-apperance before the loot appears on screen to react properly as a streamer. It starts as an research project to get to know Chrome Extensions. While reading the Chrome Extension API I stumble over the easy TTS-feature and added it so that the viewer loot message can be read out loud.
SvelteUI Monorepo
SvelteUI Monorepo
HopFlash's Repositories
This is a Chrome Extension to enhance the experience with the Overlay functionality of The main propose was to get the alert peep of loot-apperance before the loot appears on screen to react properly as a streamer. It starts as an research project to get to know Chrome Extensions. While reading the Chrome Extension API I stumble over the easy TTS-feature and added it so that the viewer loot message can be read out loud.
Game "Farbenfall" for GameJam "My First Game Jam: Winter 2021"
SvelteUI Monorepo