001 |
001 Two Sum |
5th Jan. 2021 |
Python |
002 |
007 Reverse Integer |
7th Jan. 2021 |
Python |
003 |
009 Palindrome Number |
7th Jan. 2021 |
Python |
004 |
013 Roman to Integer |
9th Jan. 2021 |
Python |
005 |
014 Longest Common Prefix |
12th May. 2021 |
Python |
006 |
020 Valid Parentheses |
12th May. 2021 |
Python |
007 |
021 Merge Two Sorted Lists |
10th Jun. 2021 |
C# |
008 |
125 Valid Palindrome |
12th Jun. 2021 |
C# |
009 |
412 Fizz Buzz |
22th Jun. 2021 |
C# |
010 |
700 Search BST |
6th Jul. 2021 |
C# |
011 |
217 Cotains Duplicate |
28th Jul. 2021 |
C# |
012 |
053 Max SubArray |
29th Jul. 2021 |
C# |
013 |
001 Two Sum |
30th Jul. 2021 |
C# |
014 |
088 Merge Sorted Array |
30th Jul. 2021 |
C# |
015 |
350 Intersection Of Two Arrays II |
3rd Aug. 2021 |
C# |
016 |
121 Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock |
5th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
017 |
566 Reshape Matrix |
7th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
018 |
206 Reverse Linked List |
7th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
019 |
387 First Unique Char in Str |
8th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
020 |
026 Remove Duplicates |
9th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
021 |
027 Remove Element |
9th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
021 |
020 Valid Parentheses |
9th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
022 |
144 BTree Preorder Traversal |
9th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
023 |
094 BTree Inorder Traversal |
9th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
024 |
226 Invert Binary Tree |
10th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
025 |
112 Path Sum |
10th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
026 |
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
10th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
027 |
409 Longest Palindrome |
14th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
028 |
383 Ransom Note |
15th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
029 |
118 Pascals Triangle |
15th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
030 |
101 Symmetric Tree |
15th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
031 |
704 Binary Search |
15th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
032 |
083 Remove Duplicates Sorted List |
16th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
033 |
283 Move Zeroes |
19th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
034 |
252 Meeting Rooms |
20th Aug. 2021 |
C# |
035 |
167 Two Sum II Input array is sorted |
7th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
036 |
234 Palindrome Linked List |
8th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
037 |
1287 Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array |
10th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
038 |
014 Longest Common Prefix |
11th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
039 |
1133 Largest Unique Number |
12th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
040 |
1295 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits |
12th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
041 |
1232 Check If It Is a Straight Line |
12th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
042 |
674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence |
13th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
043 |
070 Climbing Stairs |
13th Sep. 2021 |
Python |
044 |
1196 How Many Apples Can You Put into the Basket |
13th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
045 |
162 Find Peak Element |
13th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
046 |
937 Reorder Data in Log Files |
25th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
047 |
532 K-diff Pairs in an Array |
29th Sep. 2021 |
C# |
048 |
389_Find the Difference |
29th Sep. 2021 |
C# |