This is a vue SPA hybird app

Primary LanguageVue

Induction Book For Teacher(归纳本教师端)

JavaScript Style Guide Build status Dependencies devDependencies

Base on Vue.js and DCloud Hybrid App

App Market Download(IOS and Android)



Main Javascript Framework

UI Compoents


File Structure Introduction

├── build       # webpack Build
├── config      # webpack Config
├── distT       # Dist Folder
├── app.vue     # Entry File
├── main.js     # Entry Js
├── store.js    # Vuex Main Stroe
├── router.js   # Main Router
├── theme.less  # Vux UI Color Config
├── index.html  # Html Template
├── components  # UI or Function Components
├── src         # Code Folder
    ├── router      # Main Pages
    ├── features    # Modules
        ├── common      # 全局功能函数
        ├── assemble    # 组卷中心
        ├── points      # 我的积分
        ├── assemble    # 我的组卷
          ├── chapter      # 章节考点
          ├── download     # 组卷编辑
        |── homework    # 布置作业
        ├── correct     # 纠错
        ├── example     # 例题
        ├── error       # 查看错题
        ├── workbook    # 批改作业
        ├── myclass     # 我的班级
        ├── statistics  # 错题统计
          ├── error          # 同学错题
          ├── errorClass     # 班级错题
        ├── myDownload  # 我的下载
        ├── message     # 消息
        ├── invite      # 我的邀请
        ├── login       # 登陆
        ├── settings    # 设置
        ├── about       # 关于归纳本

Getting Started


npm/yarn install
npm/yarn run dev
open http://localhost:8088


npm/yarn run build
npm/yarn run build --report 查看打包JS大小
open Files in DistT Folder


Creative Commons License
Induction Book For Teacher(归纳本-教师端) by HopeFE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.