
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates

Build Status


  • imageBuilder.json

    Build virtual machine images and distibute them via Shared Image Gallery (SIG)

  • vm.availabilitySet.json

    Deploys VMs into an availability set with configurable upgrade and fault domains

  • vm.availabilityZone.json

    Dynamically distibutes and deploys VMs into availability zones

  • vm.base.json

    Standardized base layer VM ARM template

  • vm.dsc.json

    Deploys VMs and configures them with the Azure Automation DSC extension

  • vm.extensions.omsAgent.json

    Deploys the omsAgent to the target VM


  • containerRegistry.json

    Deploys an Azure Container Registry instance


  • dataFactory.json

    Deploys an Azure Data Factory instance


  • frontDoor.json

    Deploys a dynamic, fully configured Front Door instance


  • logicApp.diagnosticSetting.json

    Enables the diagnostic setting on the target Logic App, configured to forward telemetry to the specified Log Analytics workspace

  • logicApp.listCallBackUrl.json

    Simple ARM template example to dynamically retrieve another Logic App's CallbackURL and hit it with a HTTP POST


  • vnet.json

    Deploys a standardized virtual network configuration

  • vnet.spoke.json

    Deploys a virtual network and peers it to the specified hub remote virtual network


  • sql.json

    Deploys a SQL server and database instances


  • frontDoor.backendFailoverAlert.json

    Azure Monitor alerts for when traffic hits the specified site in the FrontDoor's backend pool

  • resourceHealthAlerts.json

    Azure Monitor Resource Health Alerts

  • serviceHealthAlerts.json

    Azure Monitor Service Health Alerts

  • serviceHealthAlerts.webhook.json

    Azure Monitor Service Health Alerts ### webhook only

  • telemetry.json

    Deploys Azure Automation, Log Analytics, & App Insights resources


  • appService.json

    Deploys App Service infra

  • function.json

    Deploys Function App infra

  • function.vnetIntegrated.json

    Deploys a new subnet and Vnet-integrated Function App infra