
A clone of the game "Slender" made in C++14, Modern OpenGL, GLM, and SFML

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Slonda Man

A game like Slender: The Eight Pages.

I started creating this on 17th October 2017, and my goal as to complete it in 2 weeks (In time for Halloween). However, I never finished it because I became ill, but here is the source code after 10 days.


The challenge

I started off using the simple SFML game framework, and created it from there.

This means the line total shown below is 857 lesser than the true value (Line of code of the framework I made.)

Day 1 & 2

Day one was spent setting up basic OpenGL stuff, such as support for actually drawing in OpenGL, 3D, an FPS camera, and a simple render system

Day 1

End of day 2 stats:

Title Data
Time programming Today 3:15:48
Lines of Code Today 575
Total Time Programming 3:15:48
Total Lines of Code 575

Day 3

Today I did not get much done due to some kind of flu.

However, what I did do was get model loading in the game. This uses a parser my friend wrote a while back while following the ThinMatrix OpenGL tutorial.

Before this, I tried using TinyOBJ and Assimp, but neither of those worked.

Day 3

Title Data
Time programming Today 2:52:41
Lines of Code Today 369
Total Time Programming 6:08:29
Total Lines of Code 944

Day 4

Today was started off by getting terrain to be generated and render, and finished off with some lighting effects

Day 4

Title Data
Time programming Today 2:13:10
Lines of Code Today 242
Total Time Programming 8:21:39
Total Lines of Code 1186

Day 5

To begin, I created a level loader. This simply take in a .png image, and then places objects at location, using hexadecimal colours.

After this, I begun work on a post processing shader, which crashes, so I was unable to use it.

Failing with that, I also improved how the torch looks, by moving the position of it slightly Down and to the right of the camera. This makes it look better as it actually looks like you are holding a torch, as opposed to just having light come out your mouth or something.

To finish off, I created a player class, which allows for smoother movement though the use of velocity.

Day 5

Title Data
Time programming Today 3:40:49
Lines of Code Today 245
Total Time Programming 12:02:28
Total Lines of Code 1432

Day 6

Not much was done today because I was busy with other stuff.

However, I made a skybox for some additional ambience, and added an "edge" to the level.

Day 6

Title Data
Time programming Today 1:55:12
Lines of Code Today 280
Total Time Programming 13:57:40
Total Lines of Code 1712

Day 7

Not much was done today because I was busy with other stuff.

One thing I did do was add in slender boi

He does not do much, as for now he is literally a texture that renders to a quad, of which always faces the player.

Other things I did was some clean up.

Day 7

Title Data
Time programming Today 0:42:12
Lines of Code Today 193
Total Time Programming 14:39:52
Total Lines of Code 1905

Day 8

I added the initial logic of Slenderman himself today.

This is testing whether he is in view, or not.

First of all, I test if he inside of the viewing frustum of the player. If he is, the next text is the occlusion test, which is testing if main man is behind an entity, or actually in view.

Title Data
Time programming Today 0:59:54
Lines of Code Today 126
Total Time Programming 15:39:46
Total Lines of Code 1905

Day 9

Today, I added "logic" to Slenderman, which means he now actually stalks the player.

This was done using a couple of clocks and an enum.

Slenderman has two states: Ghosting, which is where he looking for a new spot; and Stalking, which is where he is stalking the player.

Title Data
Time programming Today 1:05:32
Lines of Code Today 168
Total Time Programming 16:45:18
Total Lines of Code 2073

Day 10

To start off, I improved the level loading. This meant that if I wanted to add a new model into the game, I do not need to hard code it in.

Instead, I simply can edit a Config file (res/levels/info.txt) and then I can add instances as needed.

To finish off, I started initial work on an objective to collect. For this, I used a teddy bear model. Once the teddy bear has been walked over, it dissappears.

Day 10

Title Data
Time programming Today 2:45:32
Lines of Code Today 172
Total Time Programming 19:30:50
Total Lines of Code 2245