
Following the ThinMatrix "LWJGL" tutorials, but using C++ and OpenGL rather than Java

Primary LanguageC++


Following the ThinMatrix "LWJGL" tutorials, but using C++ and OpenGL rather than Java


##Tutorial 5 Completed tutorial 5 on 24/09/2016

Image: Blue rectangle

##Tutorial 6 Yes sorry, I got the numbers mixed up.

Completed 24/09/2016

Image: Cow

##Tutorial 8 This was a very fun tutorial.

Completed 24/09/2016

Image: Cow

##Tutorial 9 This was making an OBJLoader, though I decided to be lazy and just use my friends, but it works so that's good.

Completed 24/09/2016

Image: stall

##Tutorial 11 This was basic lighting stuff ft. Stanford Dragon


##Tutorial 12 Specular lighting.

Image: dragon

##Tutorial 13 This was optimizing.

His method of doing it is questionable, as bascially it creates a new vector for every model and then adds all the current entities into it's respective one, and then adds it into a map. Every frame.

Unforunatly I didn't test the performance before hand, but I did afterwards. With full optimizations (-O3) I managed to render this scene with an average of about 25 frames per second. (Basically 35,000 cubes)

Image: lots of cubes