A tool for large-scale EM images stitching and alignment. This repo is a secondary development based on rh-aligner and rh-renderer (Copyright@Adi Peleg, VCG Group, Harvard University). Compared to the Adi's version, EMSA-Tool has the following modifications:
- Up-to-date. All the Python2 codes are deprecated and have been rewritten in the Python3 style. The important dependence OpenCV also upgrades from 2.x to the latest 4.5.
- Unified style names. The S&A processing contains many I/O operations and proper nouns. Here we establish a dictionary covering most of the word in variables and functions. The naming style follows the Google Style Guide. e.g. lowercase_with_underline for variables and UpperCamelCase for classes.
- Multiple EM types. It supports both singlebeam and multibeam EM images' data structure.
- Auto-generated documents. Using Sphinx style to generate the documents for better reading and development.
- Logging management. We replace the print function by a log controller to output and save hierarchical logs.
- Unified arguments. All the adjustable arguments during the processing are collected in the 'arguments' folder.
- Acceleration. Different from the parallel computation using cluster strategy in rh-aligner, EMSA-Tool focuses on the PC environment and provides multiprocessing.
EMSA-Tool is now tested on Linux platform (Ubuntu 18.04), so currently we cannot ensure the
compatibility of Windows nor macOS.
Because of the potential dependencies' problem, we strongly recommend you preparing a brand new virtual
environment(here we use Anaconda) as follows:
Tip: THE_UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERLINE should be changed by yourself.
- Create a Python virtual environment and activate it:
conda create -n EMSA python=3.9
conda activate EMSA
- Using
to confirm your CUDA version and prepare the CUDA in the python environment:
conda install cudatoolkit=YOUR_CUDA_VERSION
- Install the pypi packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install OpenCV:
Because of the non-free and CUDA version algorithms, we need to build OpenCV-Python from the source instead of installing from conda or pip. First download the opencv and opencv-contrib source codes and unzip them. Version 4.5.5 is recommended. Keep your EMSA environment activated, and run the following command in the folder containing opencv and opencv_contrib:
mkdir build
cd build
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../opencv_contrib-4.5.5/modules
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(python -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)")
-D PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python)
-D PYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())")
-D PYTHON3_PACKAGES_PATH=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")
make -j8
make install
cd YOUR_PATH_TO_ANACONDA/envs/EMSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages
ln -s ./cv2/python3.9/YOUR_CV2_SO_FILE_NAME cv2.so
Here, YOUR_CV2_SO_FILE_NAME should be similar to 'cv2.cpython-39-x86_64-linux-gnu.so' in Linux.
- Compile cython files and generate .so files which can be imported by Python:
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
cd ../renderer/blender
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
- Install tinyr: Please refer to the tinyr repo.
EMSA-Tool supports both singlebeam and multibeam EM data. For large-scale singlebeam dataset containing
multiple imaging folders, your should first ensure that each section has one distinctive global index.
We provide one singlebeam dataset and one multibeam dataset for tests. You can download and unzip them into
the data folder.
[singlebeam_test_dataset]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bdAiYg0YN21MZDH2VD0YSIunZ05HkZgt/view?usp=sharing
[multibeam_test_dataset]: TODO
All the arguments are stored in the 'arguments' folder. The arguments will be copied to the workspace before the script running in case you forget the running arguments after a long time.
Just run it without argparse:
python run.py
In the 'arguments' folder, you can see three json files. Among them, features_args and align_args are algorithm details and here we just explain the overall_args.
arguments | explanation |
running_mode | ["release", "debug"] In 'debug' mode, multiprocess will be disabled for better debugging. |
EM_type | ["singlebeam", "multibeam"] The EM type you declared here should match the data, or an exception will be raised. |
workspace | [str] The workspace will store all the files which generated by the running script. |
sample_folder | [str] Sample folder is the path to the target dataset. You have to assign the folder depth ensure the order. |
folder_depth | [int]the depth from sample folder to the section folders. e.g. 1 means the sub-folders of sample folder is section folders, 2 means the sub-sub-folder |
sample_name | [str] The name of the sample. |
skipped_layers | [str] The layers you want to skip. e.g. "5-7" means that layer-5, 6, 7 will not be included in the S&A processing. Multiple ranges should be connected by ',' |
multiprocess(containing four args) | [int] The number of threads you want to use in different steps. You should set them according to your machines' CPU and memory. |
features_type | [str] The method of extracting the keypoint features. Please refer to common/keypoint_features_extraction.py for more details. |
matching_type | [str]The method of matching the keypoint features. Please refer to common/keypoint_features_matching.py for more details. |
max_layer_distance | [int] An argument for elastic alignment algorithm. Please refer to Saalfeld's paper for more details. |
mip | [int] In short of mipmap level. 0 means you will render the result in the original resolution. 1 means you will down-sample it by 2. scale=1/2^mip |
from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y | [int] The rendering range. [0, 0, -1, -1] means it will render the whole bounding box , which is decided by the S&A results. |
tile_size | [int] The size of the rendered images. e.g. 4096 means each image's size is 4096*4096 |
file_type | [str] The extension of the rendered images. |
invert_image | [0, 1] If you want to invert the raw EM images when rendering. |
blend_type | [0, 1, 2, 3] Referring to no_blending/averaging/linear/multi_band_seam, respectively. |
E-mail: horacekem@163.com
Author: Hongyu Ge
Biomed ssSEM Lab, SIBET
Keling Road 88, Suzhou, Jiangsu