
A naive implementation of a few charts with Vue.js. The charts are created using HTML5 SVG.


npm install --save vue-naive-svg-chart


yarn add vue-naive-svg-chart


In script tag:

import Vnsc from 'vue-naive-svg-chart'
export default {
	components: {Vnsc},
	data () {
		return {
			lineData: [
				{data: [300, 86, 168, 201, 303, 365, 560], color: 'red', label: 'data1'},
				{data: [720, 513, 376, 54, 13, 21, 90], color: 'green', label: 'data2'},
				{data: [560, 319, 62, 75, 807, 497, 641], color: 'blue', label: 'data3'}
			labels: [{
				value: 'Monday',
				popUp: 'Monday (New year)'
			}, 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

Then in the template:

<vnsc id="line-chart-1" type="line" :dataset="lineData" :labels="labels" />


props: {
	id: {type: String, required: true},
	type: {type: String, required: true},
	fontSize: {type: Number, default: 16},
	padding: {type: Number, default: 16},
	dataset: {type: Array, required: true},
	labels: {type: Array, required: true},
	showLegend: {type: Boolean, default: true},
	color: {type: String, default: '#000'},
	axesStrokeWidth: {type: Number, default: 2},
	stack: {type: Boolean, default: false},
	lineFill: {type: String, default: 'none'},
	lineFillOpacity: {type: Number, default: 0.6},
	animateClass: {type: String},
	showPopUp: {type: Boolean, default: true},
	popUpPadding: {type: Number, default: 16}
  • Available chart types are: 'line', 'column', and 'bar'.
  • 'column' and 'bar' charts can be stacked by setting 'stack' to 'true'
  • Legend can be hidden by setting 'showLegend' to 'false'
  • 'color' controls the colour of the axes and legend text
  • 'line' chart can have fill below the line by setting 'lineFill' to 'solid' or 'gradient'
  • Pop up can be hidden be setting 'showPopUp' to 'false'

class and id

  • Pop up rect has class name of "id+'-pop-up-rect'" where 'id' is the id of the chart
  • Line chart data point circle has id of "id+'-'+l.label+'-data-point-'+index" where 'id' is the id of the chart, 'l.label' is the label for that specific line, and 'index' is the index of that specific data point in the data array. For example, a line chart with id 'chart1' and one of the line has label 'line1', then the first data point circle will have id of 'chart1-line1-data-point-0'