
Multi-label Classification using Error Correcting Code

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author: Xiaowu He. horace_hxw_cal@berkeley.edu

the data is availble here: The Extreme Classification Repository: Multi-label Datasets & Code

Just download one and put it in a /data directory

1. ECOC(multi-class setting)

step 1: map the class to the coresponding binary vector $[1,0,...,1]^T$ using the error correction codes.:

  • Exhaustive code
  • Col Selection from Exhaustive code (Hill Climbing)
  • Randomize Hill Climbing
  • BCH code

step 2: use maching learning algorithms to create the probability vector of each position to be 1.

  • Decision Tree
  • Nueral Network
  • create muliple binary classifiers for each position

step 3: recover the origin class vector according to the cloest $\ell_1$ distance

2. MLGT (Group Testing)

The basic idea is to form group of labels and test each data point whether or not inside that group.

  1. Construct a specific binary matrix $A_{m\times d}$ and compress the original binary-label vector by $z = A \quad or \quad y$ using matrix boolean opration. Then train the classifiers based on vector z.
  2. Predicting process is to set the position $l$ of group vector to 1 iff $|supp(A^{(l)}) - supp(\hat{z}))| < \frac{e}{2}$. where the supp() means the set of indexees of nonzero enties in a given vector.

3. Haffman Tree Based multi-class Classification

constructing a haffman tree based on the frequency of each label. and train a binary classifier at each node of the tree.

this can reduce the average classification and training time.

4. ECOC in Multi-label setting

Assume there are m labels in total and each data point has no more than k labels.

  1. we can map each label into a binary representation and concat them into a binary vector of leangth $k\log m$. If some data point doesn't have enough labels, add a default number to maintain the length.
  2. Add parity check to the above vector using Error Correction Code
  3. Train binary classifier on each digit.

5. Binary mapping + kNN

data set $(x,y)^d$, where $y_i={1, 0}^L$

we want to map y into lower space by $$z = [M\cdot y]$$ where M is a multivariant i,i,d Gaussian matrix, and $[]$ is tkaing the sign.

Then we train binary classifiers on each bit of $z \in {0, 1}^{\hat L}$

For each test point, we predict its $\hat z$ and then use kNN to find the nearest k neighbors from $z=[My]$ which is all our lower degree space's mapping.

6. Binary mapping + BIHT

data set $(x,y)^d$, where $y_i={1, 0}^L$

we want to map y into lower space by $$z = [M\cdot y]$$ where M is a multivariant i,i,d Gaussian matrix, and $[]$ is tkaing the sign.

Then we train binary classifiers on each bit of $z \in {0, 1}^{\hat L}$

For each test point, we predict its $\hat z$ and then recover the $\hat y$ using BIHT algorithm:

$$ \begin{align} &y^0=0^L\\ &\text{for t = 0, 1, 2 ...}\\ &\quad a^{t+1}=y^t+\frac{\tau}{2}M^T(z-[My^t])\\ &\quad y^{t+1}=\eta_k(a^{t+1}) \end{align} $$

Where $\eta_k()$ here is keeping the k greatest positive value inside a and leaves others to 0. This algorithm can converge to the recovered $\hat y$