
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Getting Started with rgbd_sensor Node


By reading this document, users can easily capture the video stream data of the MIPI depth camera on the Horizon X3 development board and publish depth map data/ grayscale image data/ RGB image data/ camera intrinsics that meet ROS standards, as well as computed point cloud data on the ROS platform for other ROS Nodes to subscribe and view real-time effects on rviz. Supports shared memory publishing.



Dependencies: ROS package:

  • sensor_msgs
  • hbm_img_msgs

The hbm_img_msgs package is a custom image message format in hobot_msgs, used for image transmission in shared memory scenarios.

Development Environment

  • Programming Language: C/C++
  • Development Platform: X3/X86
  • System Version: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Compilation Toolchain: Linux GCC 9.3.0/ Linaro GCC 9.3.0

Package Description

The source code includes the rgbd_sensor package. After compiling rgbd_sensor, the header files, dynamic libraries, and dependencies are installed in the install/rgbd_sensor path.


Supports two methods for compilation: compiling on an X3 Ubuntu system and cross-compiling using docker on a PC, and supports controlling the dependencies and functions of the compiled pkg through compilation options.

Compilation on X3 Ubuntu System

  1. Compilation Environment Verification
  • X3 Ubuntu system is installed on the board.
  • The current compilation terminal has set up the TogetherROS environment variables: source PATH/setup.bash, where PATH is the installation path of TogetherROS.
  • ROS2 build tool colcon is installed, installation command: pip install -U colcon-common-extensions
  • Dependendencies are installed, detailed in the Dependency section
  1. Compilation: colcon build --packages-select rgbd_sensor.

Docker Cross-Compilation

  1. Compilation Environment Verification
  • Compilation in docker, with tros already installed in docker. Details on docker installation, cross-compilation instructions, tros compilation, and deployment can be found in the README.md in the robot development platform robot_dev_config repo.
  • hbm_img_msgs package has been compiled (compilation method in the Dependency section)
  1. Compilation- Compilation Command:
export TARGET_ARCH=aarch64
export TARGET_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu

colcon build --packages-select rgbd_sensor \
   --merge-install \
   --cmake-force-configure \
   --cmake-args \
   --no-warn-unused-cli \


Current Parameter List:

Parameter Name Meaning Value Options Default Value
sensor_type Device Type String, currently only supports Sunplus CP3AM CP3AM
io_method Output Data Transfer Method ros/shared_mem ros
color_width Module Output Image Width 1920 1920
color_height Module Output Image Height 1080 1080
color_fps Module Output Image Frame Rate 10 10
enable_color Enable Image Publishing True/False True
depth_width Module Output Depth Image Width 224 224
depth_height Module Output Depth Image Height 129 129
depth_fps Module Output Depth Image Frame Rate 10 10
enable_depth Enable Depth Image Publishing True/False True
enable_pointcloud Enable Point Cloud Publishing True/False True
enable_aligned_pointcloud Enable Aligned Point Cloud Publishing True/False True
infra_width Module Output Infrared Image Width 224 224
infra_height Module Output Infrared Image Height 108 108
infra_fps Module Output Infrared Image Frame Rate 10 10
enable_infra Enable Infrared Image Publishing True/False True
camera_calibration_file_path Path to Camera Calibration File Set according to the actual path of the camera calibration file /opt/tros/${TROS_DISTRO}/lib/rgbd_sensor/config/CP3AM_calibration.yaml

Currently, Sunplus modules can only output 1080P calibration, so the image parameters have no practical effect, all using default values. Published topics include:

#depth image
# Point Cloud
# Calibrated Point Cloud
# Grayscale Image
# Color Image
# Camera Parameters
# shared mem:
# Color Image
# Depth Image
# Grayscale Image


1: In the current directory cp -r install/${PKG_NAME}/lib/${PKG_NAME}/parameter/ ., where ${PKG_NAME} is the specific package name.

2: The calibration library install/lib/libgc2053_linear.so needs to be copied to: /lib/sensorlib/

3: If reading camera parameters file fails, a warning about unable to publish camera parameters will appear, but it does not affect other functions of rgbd_sensor.

4: The default path for camera calibration file is: /opt/tros/${TROS_DISTRO}/lib/rgbd_sensor/config/CP3AM_calibration.yaml. Please make sure the file path is correct, and the topic name for camera parameters publication is: /rgbd_CP3AM/color/camera_info

X3 Ubuntu System

Users can simply start by calling ros2 command:

export COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX=./install
source ./install/local_setup.sh

ros2 run rgbd_sensor rgbd_sensor

Passing arguments example: ros2 run rgbd_sensor rgbd_sensor --ros-args --log-level info --ros-args -p io_method:=ros

Another way to run is using launch file: ros2 launch install/share/rgbd_sensor/launch/rgbd_sensor.launch.py

X3 Linaro System

Copy the install directory compiled in docker to the Linaro system, for example: /userdata First, specify the path for dependent libraries, for example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/userdata/install/lib

Please modify the path of ROS_LOG_DIR, otherwise it will be created under the /home directory, you need to execute "mount -o remount,rw /" to be able to create logs under /home. export ROS_LOG_DIR=/userdata/

Run rgbd_sensor

// Default parameter method
// Parameter passing method
#/userdata/install/lib/rgbd_sensor/rgbd_sensor --ros-args -p io_method:=ros

Result analysis

X3 result display

If the camera runs normally and successfully publishes camera parameters, the following information will be output

[INFO] [1662470301.451981102] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.461459373] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.528991765] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

[INFO] [1662470301.533941164] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.543212650] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.608683161] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

[INFO] [1662470301.613038915] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.621678967] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.713615364] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

[INFO] [1662470301.717811416] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.726191436] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.818197996] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

[INFO] [1662470301.822495336] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.831028892] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.909490084] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

[INFO] [1662470301.913704051] [rgbd_node]: [pub_ori_pcl]->pub pcl w:h=24192:1,nIdx-24192:sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470301.922111820] [rgbd_node]: [timer_ros_pub]->pub dep w:h=224:129,sz=982464, infra w:h=224:108, sz=24192.
[INFO] [1662470302.014477201] [rgbd_node]: publish camera info.

View the effect in rviz2

Install: apt install ros-foxy-rviz-common ros-foxy-rviz-default-plugins ros-foxy-rviz2