
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Getting Started with Stereo_Cam Node


Obtain stereo image data from USB cameras and publish topic messages through ROS2. Supported camera type is ZED 2i.

Supported Platforms

  • RDK Ultra

Development Environment

  • Programming Language: C/C++
  • Development Platform: RDK Ultra/X86
  • System Version: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Compilation Toolchain: Linux GCC 9.3.0/Linaro GCC 9.3.0


Parameter Description Type Supported Configurations Mandatory Default Value
io_method Communication method for publishing image data string ros/shared_mem No shared_mem
pub_topic_name Topic name for publishing string Consistent with subscribed topic name No hbmem_stereo_img
image_height Vertical resolution of image data int 1280 No 1280
image_width Horizontal resolution of image data int 720 No 720
enable_fb Publish image data in local NV12 format, image path is frame_10_2560_720.nv12 under running path bool True/False No False
video_device Device number int Configure based on the actual recognized device number No 0

Compilation on RDK Ultra Ubuntu 20.04 System

  1. Confirm the compilation environment
  • tros.b is installed.

  • ROS2 software package build system ament_cmake is installed. Installation command: apt update; apt-get install python3-catkin-pkg; pip3 install empy

  • ROS2 compilation tool colcon is installed. Installation command: pip3 install -U colcon-common-extensions

  • USB driver is installed. Installation command: sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libhidapi-libusb0 libhidapi-dev

  1. Compilation
source /opt/tros/setup.bash
colcon build --packages-select hobot_stereo_usb_cam

Cross-Compilation with Docker

  1. Compilation Environment Verification
  • Compile in Docker and tros.b has been compiled in Docker. For detailed instructions on Docker installation, cross-compilation, tros.b compilation, and deployment, please refer to TogetheROS.Bot User Manual.
  1. Compilation
  • Compilation command:
bash robot_dev_config/build.sh -p Rdkultra -s hobot_stereo_usb_cam


source /opt/tros/setup.bash
ros2 launch hobot_stereo_usb_cam hobot_stereo_usb_cam.launch.py

After successful execution, the following log will be output:

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2023-07-04-22-45-35-530438-hobot-2618037
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]: process started with pid [2618039]
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [WARN] [1688510736.176433788] [stereo_usb_cam_node]: Get params complete.
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  camera_name: default_cam
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  video_device index: 0
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  image_width: 1280
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  image_height: 720
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  io_method_name: shared_mem
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  out_format: nv12
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  enable_fb: 0
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1]  enable_dump: 0
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [sl_oc::video::VideoCapture] INFO: ZED Open Capture - Camera module - Version: 0.6.0
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [sl_oc::video::VideoCapture] INFO: Camera resolution: 2560x720@30Hz
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [sl_oc::video::VideoCapture] INFO: Trying to open the device '/dev/video0'
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [sl_oc::video::VideoCapture] INFO: Opened camera with SN: 38085162
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [sl_oc::video::VideoCapture] INFO: Device '/dev/video0' opened
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] [WARN] [1688510736.528142580] [stereo_usb_cam_node]: Open video device 0 success.
[hobot_stereo_usb_cam-1] camera sn: 38085162[/dev/video0]