Preview of upcoming Deno 2.0 features
Slides are done in ORG mode and best viewed with emacs tree slide extension
# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# Add web assembly target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
# Install Deno (will be single executable file)
curl -fsSL | sh
Generate WASM portable binary
deno task wasmbuild
# Please run each command in separate shell
# First run Deno KV queue
deno task queue
# Second run Deno Cron
# - one cron job to show counter of succeeded and failed conversions
# - second cron job to delete converted files older than 3 minutes
deno task cron
# Run converter
deno task graying -h # Help command
deno task graying -f sample.webp
# Serve wasm file on port 3000
deno task file-server
# Serve Fresh app on port 8000
deno task start
# Format
deno fmt
# Linter
deno lint
# Tests
deno test
# Benchmarks
deno bench
# Generate docs
deno doc
# Run task
deno task
# Information about module and cached directories
deno info