
FoodChop, a comprehensive solution for managing food products, orders, and customer interactions

Primary LanguageJavaScript



FoodChop, a comprehensive solution for managing food products, orders, and customer interactions. This system is designed to streamline the process of handling food-related transactions and interactions in a seamless and efficient manner. With FoodChop, you can easily manage your product catalog, track orders in real-time, and engage with your customers to enhance their experience. Whether you're a small-scale food vendor or a large restaurant chain, FoodChop is designed to scale with your business and adapt to your needs.


  • Node
  • Typescript
  • DFX


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Dolazdev/FoodChop.git
    cd FoodChop
    nvm install 18
    nvm use 18
    npm install

    DFX_VERSION=0.14.1 sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://sdk.dfinity.org/install.sh)"
  3. Add DFX to your path

    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc"


Here are the main functionalities provided by this system:

Managing Products

  • addProduct(payload: FoodPayload): Result<FoodProduct, string>
    • Adds a new food product to the system.
  • updateProductQuantity(productId: string, newQuantity: number): Result<FoodProduct, string>
    • Updates the quantity of a food product.
  • getProductsbyId(): Result<Vec<FoodProduct>, string>
    • Retrieves all food products.

Managing Orders

  • placeOrder(payload: OrderPayload): Result<Order, string>
    • Places a new order.
  • cancelOrder(orderId: string): boolean
    • Cancels an order.
  • confirmOrder(orderId: string): boolean
    • Confirms an order.
  • deliverOrder(orderId: string): boolean
    • Marks an order as delivered.
  • getOrdersByCustomer(customerId: string): Result<Vec<Order>, string>
    • Retrieves orders for a specific customer.

Managing Customer Interactions

  • addCustomerInteraction(payload: CustomerInteractionPayload): Result<CustomerInteraction, string>
    • Adds a customer interaction.
  • getCustomerInteractionsByProduct(productId: string): Result<Vec<CustomerInteraction>, string>
    • Retrieves customer interactions for a specific product.

Data Storage

The system uses StableBTreeMap to store products, orders, and customer interactions. Each data type is stored in its respective map:

  • foodProducts: StableBTreeMap<string, FoodProduct>
  • orders: StableBTreeMap<string, Order>
  • customerInteractions: StableBTreeMap<string, CustomerInteraction>

Testing Instructions

  • Make sure you have the required environment for running ICP canisters and the dfx is running in background dfx start --background --clean
  • Deploy the canisters dfx deploy
Deploying all canisters.
Creating a wallet canister on the local network.
The wallet canister on the "local" network for user "default" is "bnz7o-iuaaa-aaaaa-qaaaa-cai"
Creating canisters...
Creating canister foodchop...
foodchop canister created with canister id: bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
Building canisters...
Executing 'npx azle foodchop'
Installing canisters...
Creating UI canister on the local network.
The UI canister on the "local" network is "bd3sg-teaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai"
Installing code for canister foodchop, with canister ID bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai
Deployed canisters.
  Backend canister via Candid interface:
  • Click on the link to the supremall canister, once the UI has been loaded.
  • You can now call the addProduct function to add products to the system and also carry out other operations like updateProductQuantity, placeOrder, confirmOrder and addCustomerInteraction products.

To conclude your work session, you can stop your local Azle replica by executing the following command in your terminal:

 dfx stop

Mainnet Testing

  • Navigate to this link FoodChop
  • Login with your Identity
  • Proceed to perform operations on the carnister e.g addProduct, placeOrder, addCustomerInteraction etc...


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Ibisomi Teslim - Backend and Blockchain developer