
A simple HTTP webserver for wsgi compatible apps

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple HTTP webserver for WSGI compatible web app, support any wsgi web framework , django,flask, bottle and others. It is fairly fast .........


boring has no dependency except python standard library, so it can be installed by cloning this repository , then run python setup.py install , or install from pypi with pip install boring.

Starting the server

boring myapp:app or python -m boring myapp:app

Assuming there is myapp.py in the current directory and and a callable object app in myapp.py.

Using with django

boring yourproject.wsgi or python -m boring yourproject.wsgi

you can serve current directory on http instead of web app, with boring . , the current directory will be served on http

Command Line Options

usage: boring [-h] [-p PORT] [--reload] [-b BIND] [--use-config] [-v] app

positional arguments:
  app                   wsgi app to load

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -p PORT, --port PORT  port number to use, default 8000

  --reload              enable auto reload

  -b BIND, --bind BIND  bind to this address

   --use-config          use configuration for boring

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Serving Static Files

boring can be configured to serve static files (js,css,images and others). to serve static files ,create a file boring.config and add the following to the config file STATIC_URL=url # url for serving files eg /static/ for django and others STATIC_ROOT=path # folder where to find static files then add --use-config to the command line argument when starting the server

Boring In Action

test-boring.herokuapp.com , is flask webapp copied from miguelgrinberg blog running boring as http server

firdawss.herokuapp.com a django powered site running boring as the webserver