
A package manager that installs, upgrades, and rolls back Spring Boot applications on multiple Cloud Platforms.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Spring Cloud Skipper Build Status

Spring Cloud Skipper

A package manager that installs, upgrades, and rolls back applications on multiple Cloud Platforms.

Supported application types are Spring Boot applications.

Supported Cloud Platforms are Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes.

For development experience, Local deployment is supported.

Skipper can be used as part of implementing the practice of Continuous Deployment. It provides a versioned "single source of truth" that defines what applications were deployed to the cloud. This enables easy rollbacks and upgrades without having to rebuild applications from source code.


Clone the repo and type

$ ./mvnw clean install

which will run the tests as well.

To just create the executables, type

$./mvnw clean package -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

To generate just the RESTDocs documentation

./mvnw test -pl spring-cloud-skipper-server-core -Dtest=*Documentation*

To build just the documentation, if the RESTDocs generated from tests are already present

./mvnw -DskipTests -Pfull package -pl spring-cloud-skipper-docs

Quick Tour

There are some sample packages in the test directory that you can use to get started. Create a skipper.yml file in your home directory

            name: test
            url: "file:///home/mpollack/projects/spring-cloud-skipper/spring-cloud-skipper-server-core/src/test/resources/repositories/binaries/test/"

Where you replace /home/mpollack/projects/ to the path where you cloned spring-cloud-skipper.

Then start the Skipper server

$ java -jar spring-cloud-skipper-server/target/spring-cloud-skipper-server-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.config.additional-location=/home/mpollack/skipper.yml

Where you replace /home/mpollack/ with your own home directory.

Then launch the Skipper shell in another terminal

$ java -jar spring-cloud-skipper-shell/target/spring-cloud-skipper-shell-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar

The command package search will search for all available packages. It should then show you the following output

skipper:>package search
║      Name       │Version│                         Description                         ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.0  │The hello world app says hello.                              ║
║log              │1.1.0  │The log sink uses the application logger to output the data  ║
║                 │       │for inspection.                                              ║
║log              │2.0.0  │The log sink uses the application logger to output the data  ║
║                 │       │for inspection.                                              ║
║log              │1.0.0  │The log sink uses the application logger to output the data  ║
║                 │       │for inspection.                                              ║
║log-docker       │1.0.0  │Docker version of the log sink application version           ║
║log-docker       │2.0.0  │Docker version of the log sink application                   ║
║ticktock         │1.0.0  │The ticktock stream sends a time stamp and logs the value.   ║
║time             │2.0.0  │The time source periodically emits a timestamp string.       ║

In another window you can run watch -n 2 jps so see which Java processes are running, since by default, the local deployer will be used to deploy packages.

Now deploy the log 1.0.0 package.

skipper:>package install --package-name log --package-version 1.0.0 --release-name mylog
Released mylog. Now at version v1.

Note that the log 1.0.0 package deploys the version 1.2.0.RC1 of the application. You should see the java app named log-sink-rabbit-1.2.0.RC1.jar running in the output of the jps command

You can ask for the status using the status command

skipper:>release status --release-name mylog
║Last Deployed  │Fri Oct 27 15:44:00 IST 2017                     ║
║Status         │DEPLOYED                                         ║
║Platform Status│All applications have been successfully deployed.║
║               │[mylog.log-v1], State = [mylog.log-v1-0=deployed]║

The manifest for this release that represents the file instructions to deploy onto the platform, can be shown using the get manifest command.

skipper:>manifest get --release-name mylog

# Source: log.yml
apiVersion: skipper/v1
kind: SpringBootApp
  name: log
  count: 1
  type: sink
  resource: maven://org.springframework.cloud.stream.app:log-sink-rabbit:1.2.0.RC1
  resourceMetadata: maven://org.springframework.cloud.stream.app:log-sink-rabbit:jar:metadata:1.2.0.RC1

Now update the release with a newer version

skipper:>release upgrade --release-name mylog --package-name log --package-version 2.0.0
mylog has been upgraded.  Now at version v2.

You should see the java app named log-sink-rabbit-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar running in the output of the jps command.

The status command should shortly show it has been deployed successfully. Note you can type !status to execute the last command that started with the word status

skipper:>release status --release-name mylog
║Last Deployed  │Fri Oct 27 15:45:43 IST 2017                     ║
║Status         │DEPLOYED                                         ║
║Platform Status│All applications have been successfully deployed.║
║               │[mylog.log-v2], State = [mylog.log-v2-0=deployed]║

Next rollback to the previous release

skipper:>release rollback --release-name mylog
mylog has been rolled back.  Now at version v3.

You should see the java app named log-sink-rabbit-1.2.0.RC1.jar running in the output of the jps command

The status command should shortly show it has been deployed successfully.

skipper:>release status --release-name mylog
║Last Deployed  │Fri Oct 27 15:48:03 IST 2017                     ║
║Status         │DEPLOYED                                         ║
║Platform Status│All applications have been successfully deployed.║
║               │[mylog.log-v3], State = [mylog.log-v3-0=deployed]║

The history command shows you the various releases that were made

skipper:>release history --release-name mylog
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║3      │Fri Oct 27 15:48:03 IST 2017│DEPLOYED│log         │1.0.0          │Upgrade complete║
║2      │Fri Oct 27 15:45:43 IST 2017│DELETED │log         │2.0.0          │Delete complete ║
║1      │Fri Oct 27 15:44:00 IST 2017│DELETED │log         │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

Now delete the release.

skipper:>release delete --release-name mylog
mylog has been deleted.

You should not see any log-sink-rabbit apps in the jps command.

Code formatting guidelines

  • The directory ./etc/eclipse has two files for use with code formatting, eclipse-code-formatter.xml for the majority of the code formatting rules and eclipse.importorder to order the import statements.

  • In eclipse you import these files by navigating Windows → Preferences and then the menu items Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter and Preferences > Java > Code Style > Organize Imports respectfully.

  • In IntelliJ, install the plugin Eclipse Code Formatter. You can find it by searching the "Browse Repositories" under the plugin option within IntelliJ (Once installed you will need to reboot Intellij for it to take effect). Then navigate to Intellij IDEA > Preferences and select the Eclipse Code Formatter. Select the eclipse-code-formatter.xml file for the field Eclipse Java Formatter config file and the file eclipse.importorder for the field Import order. Enable the Eclipse code formatter by clicking Use the Eclipse code formatter then click the OK button.

    • NOTE: If you configure the Eclipse Code Formatter from File > Other Settings > Default Settings it will set this policy across all of your Intellij projects.