This software aims to provide a complete gateway solution to pilot devices on a Zigbee network. The gateway is designed to run on a Linux host equipped with a CC2531 USB dongle.
As you may see, this software is still under heavy development. As of today, with the appropriate hardware, the gateway is able to :
- create a network and open it on command
- touchlink a Hue go (full touchlink process under rework to enable comptaibility with full ZLL range)
- install Xiaomi sensors
- receive command through a Unix Socket (toggle lamp, open network, start touchlink...)
- send status through a Unix Socket (temperature, new button state, etc)
The target for v1.0.0 is to be able to integrate it in a domotic solution to drive Zigbee devices in a home/appartment, with the following features :
- detection and notification of available devices
- devices installation
- report of installed devices
- execution of basic commands on devices (light, switches, sensors)
- supported devices types : ZLL compatible lamps, temperature sensors, etc. Even if this scope is still not reached, some nice showcases are available if you have the necessary devices (see
You will need to flash CC2531 USB dongle firmware. Please follow the firmware instructions.
This project use Meson as build system. You will need the following components :
- Meson
- Python 3
- Ninja
Then you can build and execute the project with the following commands :
- meson builddir
- ninja -C builddir
- ./builddir/zigbridge
The project currently have the following dependencies :
- libuv
- iniparser
- jansson
- eina Installing those library is specific to the distribution you are using, so it would not be relevant to provide installation instructions. Just remember, if you decide to install it in non standard paths, to indicate those to the main binary using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
It is one good practice (and not only on this project !) to run a static
analyzer on all sources to get design warnings and errors. To do so, install
clang and then run the following commands :
meson builddir; ninja -C builddir scan-build
The gateway software can be run with the following arguments :
- -c <config_path> : specify a custom configuration file. Without this argument, the gateway expects to find a configuration file under /etc/<app_name>/config.ini.
- -r : during startup, completely reset the gateway state. It means that all devices and network configuration will be cleaned
The verbosity of logs is set thanks to Eina_Log mechanisms, through environment variables. Each module of the gateway has its own "log domain", and each log domain has a level. You can set the global log level for all domains with the EINA_LOG_LEVELS_GLOB variable, and you can set specific log level per domain with the EINA_LOG_LEVEL variable. Please see Eina Log documentation for further details on logs management
First of all, thank you for using this software ! Please feel free to fill an issue on the project Github and I will gladly take a look at it, even if it is only a suggestion. However, keep in mind that any development I do is conditioned by the availability of devices to test it.