
行是知之始,知是行之成 - 陶行知

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

行是知之始,知是行之成 - 陶行知

Class P1(03.17) P2(04.21) P3 P4 P5 Bonus
030163 31(-1)
030164 36
Class C1(04.01) ...
030163 26(-6)
030164 34(+2)

1. Basic Programming(15):Python,Jupyter,MinGW-W64,Visual Studio Code,Github

  • Deadline: 2019.03.17
03016430 03016316 03016427 03016426 03016428 03016404 03016331 03016401 03016429
李唐昊 王晨 彭铖 倪浩伟 徐鹏 王雨萱 王馨铁 陈美君 陈宇恒
03016332 03016407 03016318 03016431 03016312 03016319 03016405 03016406 03016403
陈显浩 田葆 路裕 苏焕文 詹卓轩 王达之 石婧 蔡玉 ★刘祎璇

2. Python and Interactive Computing(15):Jupyter Notebook of the Rankine Cycle Simulator

  • Deadline: 2019.04.21
03016330 03016310 03016312 03016318 03016427 03016332 03016432 03016329 03016331
陈浩 任满乾 詹卓轩 路裕 彭铖 ★陈显浩 张翼 吴笛 王馨铁
03016401 03016311 03016429 03016426 03016323 03016403 03016327 03016404
陈美君 郑丙乐 陈宇恒 倪浩伟 金扬皓 ★刘祎璇 张崇辉 王雨萱

3. Object-oriented Programming(20): The General Rankine Cycle Simulator

  • Deadline: 2019.05.19

4. Data Analysis(10):Statistics, regression and visualization

  • Deadline: 2019.06.02

5. C/C++ Programming(5):C/C++ Programming with GCC(MinGW-w64),Makefile,Shared Library

  • Deadline: 2019.06.09

Bonus(+5): Scientific Programming with GCC,GSL and Gnuplot under Ubuntu,Version control

  • Deadline: 2019.06.16

Self Exercises

Python Quick Review(0 points)

The notebook is designed for you to review python conveniently. Please finish the notebook by yourself.

You may reference the structure to learn any new programming Language