
Starknet By Example中文版

Primary LanguageCairoMIT LicenseMIT

Starknet by Example


Starknet by Example is a collection of examples of how to use the Cairo programming language to create smart contracts on Starknet.



  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Rust related packages:
    • Install toolchain providing cargo using rustup.
    • Install mdBook and the required extension with cargo install mdbook mdbook-last-changed.
  3. Install scarb using asdf with asdf install. Alternatively, you can install scarb manually by following the instructions here.

Local development


All the Markdown files MUST be edited in english. To work locally in english:

  • Start a local server with mdbook serve and visit localhost:3000 to view the book. You can use the --open flag to open the browser automatically: mdbook serve --open.

  • Make changes to the book and refresh the browser to see the changes.

  • Open a PR with your changes.

Work locally (translations)

To work with translations, those are the steps to update the translated content:

  • Run a local server for the language you want to edit: ./translations.sh zh-cn for instance. If no language is provided, the script will only extract translations from english.

  • Open the translation file you are interested in po/zh-cn.po for instance. You can also use editors like poedit to help you on this task.

  • When you are done, you should only have changes into the po/xx.po file. Commit them and open a PR. The PR must stars with i18n to let the maintainers know that the PR is only changing translation.

The translation work is inspired from Comprehensive Rust repository.

Initiate a new translation for your language

If you wish to initiate a new translation for your language without running a local server, consider the following tips:

  • Execute the command ./translations.sh new xx (replace xx with your language code). This method can generate the xx.po file of your language for you.
  • To update your xx.po file, execute the command ./translations.sh xx (replace xx with your language code), as mentioned in the previous chapter.
  • If the xx.po file already exists (which means you are not initiating a new translation), you should not run this command.

Cairo programs

The current book has script that verifies the compilation of all Cairo programs in the book. Instead of directly writing Cairo programs in the markdown files, we use code blocks that import the Cairo programs from the listing directory. These programs are bundled into scarb packages, which makes it easier to test and build entire packages.

To run the script locally, ensure that you are at the root of the repository (same directory as this README.md file), and run:

bash scripts/cairo_programs_verifier.sh

This will check that all the Cairo programs in the book compile successfully using scarb build, that every tests passes using scarb test, and that the scarb fmt -c command does not identify any formatting issues.

You can also use bash scripts/cairo_programs_format.sh to format all the Cairo programs in the book using scarb fmt automatically.

If you want to add a new smart contract to the book, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory in the listing directory.
  2. Initialize a scarb project in the new directory with scarb init.
  3. Add [[target.starknet-contract]] and the starknet dependency to the Scarb.toml file.