Build dev and deploy to droplet

Image contain all static file, build are done inside github 50

Docker run command :

docker run -d \
--restart always \
--network uhue \
--name 11ty-front \

Comments Flow

Jamstack example

The flow goes like this:

  • A user submits a comment to the comments queue form on your page. That form posts to the form handling facility in Netlify where the site is hosted.
  • The form submission triggers a call to a Lambda function which passes the details of the comment along to Slack where a site administrator can review the comment, and click a button to accept or reject the comment.
  • Rejected comments get deleted from the comment queue
  • Accepted comments get posted into the approved comments form, which automatically triggers a build and deployment of the site. Accepted comments are also deleted from the queue.
  • The site build pulls all the approved comments from the Netlify submissions API, and then generates all of the pages (complete with their comments) with a static site generator (the simple and elegant 11ty)