
Axum Session Management Libraries that use Sqlx

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Axum Session

`axum_session` provide's a Session management middleware that stores all session data within a MemoryStore internally. It can also save data to an optional persistent database. It uses a Cookie inserted UUID to sync back to the memory store. Formally known as Axum Database Sessions.

https://crates.io/crates/axum_session Docs

  • Cookies only Store a Generated Session UUID and a Storable Boolean.
  • Uses a DatabasePool Trait so you can implement your own Sub Storage Layer.
  • Convenient API for Session no need to mark as Read or Write making Usage Easier.
  • Uses dashmap for internal memory lookup and storage to achieve high throughput.
  • Uses Serdes for Data Serialization so it can store any Serdes supported type's into the Sessions data.
  • Supports Redis, SurrealDB and SQLx optional Databases out of the Box.
  • Supports Memory Only usage. No need to use a persistant database.


If you need help with this library or have suggestions please go to our Discord Group


Axum Session uses tokio. By Default Axum Session uses postgres-rustls so if you need tokio native TLS please add default-features = false to your cargo include for Axum Session.

# Cargo.toml
# Postgres + rustls
axum_session = { version = "0.2.0", features = [ "postgres-rustls"] }

Cargo Feature Flags

default: [postgres-rustls]

sqlite-rustls: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the self-contained SQLite database engine and rustls.

sqlite-native: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the self-contained SQLite database engine and native-tls.

postgres-rustls: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the Postgres database server and rustls.

postgres-native: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the Postgres database server and native-tls.

mysql-rustls: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the MySQL/MariaDB database server and rustls.

mysql-native: Sqlx 0.6.0 support for the MySQL/MariaDB database server and native-tls.

redis-db: redis 0.23.0 session support.

surrealdb-rocksdb: surrealdb 1.0.0-beta.9+20230402 support for rocksdb.

surrealdb-tikv : surrealdb 1.0.0-beta.9+20230402 support for tikv.

surrealdb-indxdb : surrealdb 1.0.0-beta.9+20230402 support for indxdb.

surrealdb-fdb-?_? : surrealdb 1.0.0-beta.9+20230402 support for fdb versions 51, 5_2, 6_0, 6_1, 6_2, 6_3, 7_0, 7_1. Replace ?? with version.

surrealdb-mem : surrealdb 1.0.0-beta.9+20230402 support for mem.


use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, postgres::{PgPoolOptions, PgConnectOptions}};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_session::{Session, SessionPgPool, SessionConfig, SessionStore, SessionLayer};
use axum::{

async fn main() {

    let poll = connect_to_database().await.unwrap();

    //This Defaults as normal Cookies.
    //To enable Private cookies for integrity, and authenticity please check the next Example.
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default()

    let session_store = SessionStore::<SessionPgPool>::new(Some(poll.clone().into()), session_config);

    //Create the Database table for storing our Session Data.

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/greet", get(greet))

    // run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    tracing::debug!("listening on {}", addr);

async fn greet(session: Session<SessionPgPool>) -> String {
    let mut count: usize = session.get("count").unwrap_or(0);

    count += 1;
    session.set("count", count);


async fn connect_to_database() -> anyhow::Result<sqlx::Pool<sqlx::Postgres>> {
    // ...

To enable private cookies for confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. When a Key is set it will automatically set the Cookie into an encypted Private cookie which both protects the cookies data from prying eye's it also ensures the authenticity of the cookie.


use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, postgres::{PgPoolOptions, PgConnectOptions}};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_session::{Session, SessionPgPool, SessionConfig, SessionStore, SessionLayer, SessionMode, Key};
use axum::{

async fn main() {
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default()
        // 'Key::generate()' will generate a new key each restart of the server.
        // If you want it to be more permanent then generate and set it to a config file.
        // If with_key() is used it will set all cookies as private, which guarantees integrity, and authenticity.

    let session_store = SessionStore::<SessionPgPool>::new(None, session_config);

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/greet", get(greet))

    // run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    tracing::debug!("listening on {}", addr);

To use axum_session in non_persistant mode Set the client to None and import SessionNullPool. SessionNullPool is always loaded and can be used where you do not want to include any database within the build.


use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, postgres::{PgPoolOptions, PgConnectOptions}};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_session::{Session, SessionNullPool, SessionConfig, SessionStore, SessionLayer};
use axum::{

async fn main() {
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default()

    let session_store = SessionStore::<SessionNullPool>::new(None, session_config);

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/greet", get(greet))

    // run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    tracing::debug!("listening on {}", addr);

async fn greet(session: Session<SessionNullPool>) -> String {
    let mut count: usize = session.get("count").unwrap_or(0);

    count += 1;
    session.set("count", count);


To use axum_session with session mode set as Storable.


use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, postgres::{PgPoolOptions, PgConnectOptions}};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_session::{Session, SessionPgPool, SessionConfig, SessionStore, SessionLayer, SessionMode};
use axum::{

async fn main() {
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default()

    let session_store = SessionStore::<SessionPgPool>::new(None, session_config);

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/greet", get(greet))

    // run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    tracing::debug!("listening on {}", addr);

//No need to set the sessions accepted or not with gdpr mode disabled
async fn greet(session: Session<SessionPgPool>) -> String {
    let mut count: usize = session.get("count").unwrap_or(0);

    // Allow the Session data to be keep in memory and the database for the lifetime.
    count += 1;
    session.set("count", count);



use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, postgres::{PgPoolOptions, PgConnectOptions}};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_session::{Session, SessionNullPool, SessionConfig, SessionStore, SessionLayer};
use axum::{

async fn main() {
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default()

    let session_store = SessionStore::<SessionNullPool>::new(None, session_config);

    // build our application with some routes
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/greet", get(greet))

    // run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    tracing::debug!("listening on {}", addr);

async fn greet(session: Session<SessionNullPool>) -> String {
    let mut count: usize = session.get("count").unwrap_or(0);

    count += 1;
    session.set("count", count);


To use axum_session with session mode set as Storable.


use axum::{routing::get, Router};
use axum_session::{Session, SessionConfig, SessionLayer, SessionRedisPool, SessionStore};

async fn main() {
    // please consider using dotenvy to get this
    // please check the docker-compose file included for the redis image used here
    let redis_url = "redis://default:YourSecretPassWord@";

    let client =
        redis::Client::open(redis_url).expect("Error while tryiong to open the redis connection");

    // No need here to specify a table name because redis does not support tables
    let session_config = SessionConfig::default();

    let session_store =
        SessionStore::<SessionRedisPool>::new(Some(client.clone().into()), session_config);

    // build our application with a single route
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(root))
        // `POST /users` goes to `counter`
        .route("/counter", get(counter))
        .layer(SessionLayer::new(session_store)); // adding the crate plugin ( layer ) to the project

    // run it with hyper on localhost:3000

async fn root() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, World!"

async fn counter(session: Session<SessionRedisPool>) -> String {
    let mut count: usize = session.get("count").unwrap_or(0);
    count += 1;
    session.set("count", count);

    // consider use better Option handling here instead of expect
    let new_count = session.get::<usize>("count").expect("error setting count");
    format!("We have set the counter to redis {new_count}")

Session Login and Authentication via axum_session_auth

For user login, login caching and authentication please see axum_session_auth.