In spring 2022, in Amirkabir University of Technology, for advanced programming class, the students were tasked to create a version of Discord using javafx, and java-core.
In this app you can send text,file and voice;In channel chats you can also pin messages,get pin messages,react to others messages and mention other members in server chat.Also you can block other users,send friendship request to them,make private chat with them,invite them to server chat and etc.
- Private chat
- Discord server
- Channel chat
- Music player
- Core-java
- Socket programming
- Javafx
- Css
- Mysql
- Download and install JRE(Java Runtime Environment) and SDK,then install them
- Clone project
- Add Mysql library in Libraries directory to your moduls
- Import database.sql to your mysql
- Run server
- Run some clients and enjoy :)