
Implementations of various deep learning architectures + extra theoretical information

Primary LanguagePython


Implementations of various deep learning architectures + extra theoretical information


Implementations of various deep learning architectures + extra theoretical information

Feature Extraction Local connectivity:

  1. Apply a feature extraction filter == convolution layer.
  2. Add bias to the filter function.
  3. Activate with a non-linear function e.g ReLU for thresholding.
  4. Pooling: dimesnionality reduction of generated feature maps from 1&2 above. Still maintains spatial invariance.


  1. Apply a fully connected layer that uses the high-level features from 1-2-3 to perform classification.

Other potential applications; to achieve, you only modify the fully-connected layer bit == step1 under classification.

  • Segmentation.
  • Object Detection.
  • Regression.
  • Probabilistic Control.
  • Autonomous navigation.


  • Density Estimation.
  • Sample Generation.
  • Input data X is encoded(compressed, self-encoded, auto encoded) to a lower dimensional latent space Z then model(decoder network) learns from the Z to reconstruct x as x hat.
  • Loss function == sq of difference between pixel by pixel difference between x and x hat.
  • VAEs introduces a stochasti process/randomness/probability aspect by calculating mean and SD from which the latent space features Z are sampled from.
  • VAEs loss = reconstruction loss + regularisation term(enforcess continuity and completeness).
  • Regularisation(D) = distance between 2 distributions (techniques like KL-divergence can be used to qunatify) image (prior is introduced)
  • To counter the challenge of backpropagation cause of stochasticty, reparametrisation is introduced == calculating a fixed vector of means and SDs thus driving away the probabilistic nature away from means and SDs of z.
  • Generators starts from noise(z==latent space) then imitates input data based on this.
  • Discriminator tries to identify real data from fakes created by the generator.(minimises probability of fake)
  • The process is iterative till the discriminator produces the highest probability that the generated data is real.
  • G == global optimum = produce the true data distribution == minmax
  • output at time t = a function of the input at t and past memory at time t-1.


  1. Initialise the weight matrices and the hidden state to 0.
  2. Defining the core function: the forward pass through:
  3. Update of the hidden state(input + previous state).
  4. Output computation to generate output and new hidden state.

Design Criteria:

  • Handle sequences of variable length.
  • Track longterm dependencies.
  • Maintain info about order.
  • Share parameters across the sequence.

3.2 LSTM


  1. Maintains cell state.
  2. Has gates that control info flow: eliminates irrelevantt, keeps relevant.
  3. Backpropagation through time with partially uninterrupted gradient flow.