
This guide will teach you how to properly use latent upscaling!

Latent Space Upscaling Guide!Currently outdated !!!![Will Never be updated]!!

This guide will teach you how to use latent Space upscaling! via Automatic1111


This feature runs by scaling the latent sample of the image, and then running a second pass of img2img which results in insane quality boost!

This guide was made for Automatic1111Webui!

Pros & Cons of Latent space upscaling


  • A tremendous quality boost


  • Can sometimes make the output image more deformed

This guide was tested using BakaDiffusion

to exactly replice what i did. use the Fp16 Model from my HuggingFace Repo above!


We'll call this the Misato test!

Step 1


Step 2

Let's say you want to latent space upscale an image of Misato Katsuragi for example. HosiokaGit

masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, eye focus, katsuragi misato, ribbed sweater, purple hair, brown eyes
Negative prompt: lowres, (bad anatomy), text, cropped, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, artist name, (out of frame), black and white, obese, censored, child, loli, long fingernails
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1506386276, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 63c46c36, ENSD: 31337

Step 3

HosiokaGit The rest of the settings will stay the same, We'll be changing out FirstPass and output resolution, We'll be doubling the original resolution(512x512) which will become(1024x1024) and we'll be pasting our original resolution(512x512) into our first pass! and our output into (1024x1024) if everything's done correct it should look like the image above! ⇈

Final comparison!



Sweet spot for denoising setting would be around 0.5 to 0.7 for me, Anything lower than 0.5 may give you blurred image