
Programing Task for Job application at Telekom

Primary LanguageJava


Programing Task for Job application at Telekom


  • It is a Java-based app that uses Spring boot for the backend and Thymeleaf as a frontend server-side Java template engine.
  • Java 18, spring boot 2.7.6, and bouncycastle (bcpkix-jdk18on v.1.72) are used.

Requirments Description

Develop a PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) parser that accepts a CSR, parses it, and displays the contents in a web interface. The application should consist of a javascript frontend and java backend; in detail:

  • Functions of the frontend web interface

    • Upload the CSR; via form or file upload ✅
    • The contents of the CSR (requester name, public key algorithm, any subject AltNames) should be displayed ✅
  • unit/integration tests for backend and frontend ❌

  • The app should be provided as a runnable fat jar and not require an additional application server to be intstalled ✅

  • The app should write a log file. ✅

  • Use a build tool, Apache Maven 3 or Gradle ✅


Need To Know

  • Gradle is the build tool of choice
  • Server runs on http://localhost:8080
  • log file (CSRParser.log) is written at the current terminal directory ('.') from which the JAR was executed regardless the location of the JAR.