
😃 An Emotion-Based Music Recommendation System 😔

Primary LanguageDart


-- 😃 An Emotion-Based Music Recommendation System 😔 --

- Play Store (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flarize.musiemotion&hl=en

- iOS version coming soon!

📱 Front-End

Using Flutter , Provider and BLoC Pattern

[✔️] Five Different Emotion Options - Happy | Neutral | Meh | Down | Frustrated

[✔️] Feeling Lucky 🍀 Option for a Lucky Recommendation

[✔️] Song Recommendation Data Retrieval using HTTP 🌐 and the Dedicated Back-End API

[✔️] Spotify OAuth Access Token 🔐 Authentication using Client Credentials Flow for Album Art 🖼️ Retrieval

[✔️] Spotify Redirection 🎧 to Listen to the Desired Recommendation

[✔️] Clean BLoC Architecture Implementation

[✔️] Full Utilization of Provider

[✔️] Network Connectivity🌐 Checking

[✔️] Easy-to-Follow User Interface

🖧 Back-End

Using Python Flask , Heroku and K-Means Clustering

Spotify Dataset Link: https://www.kaggle.com/yamaerenay/spotify-dataset-19212020-160k-tracks

[✔️] Data preprocessing and segmentation using Python

[✔️] Emotion Classification and Labeling using K-Means Clustering

[✔️] API Deployment using Flask and Heroku @ https://musiemotion.herokuapp.com/(Emotion)/(NumberOfRecommendationsNeeded)

[✔️] Data Representation in JSON format

🔧 Building Requirements

  • Initiating Enviroment Variables

    • Create a .env file in the root directory of your Flutter project

    • The .env should include your Spotify for Developers App's Client ID and Client Secret in the following format:

      CLIENTID=<Your Client ID>
      CLIENTSECRET=<Your Client Secret>

🛑 Disclaimers

  • No data is collected from the user nor the developer. The .env should be included in the .gitignore file when commiting
  • The first data retrieval process will take up to one minute for the Heroku enviroment to initialize
  • The normal recommendation retrieval process should not take more than 1 second

🗃️ To-Do List

[🔮] Recommendation List Sorting Based on Different Parameters (Popularity, Duration, etc...)

[🔮] More Emotions

[🔮] Error Handeling

🖻 Screenshots