
A horoscope forecasting application for both Android and iOS

Primary LanguageDart


A Horoscope Forcasting Application
Built with Flutter, for Android and iOS

API used: http://horoscope-api.herokuapp.com/

Key Features

  • All Zodiac Signs Horoscopes
    • Information about every zodiac sign's horoscope with signs
    • Beautiful slider animation with consistent zodiac icons
    • Sign hero animation between page transitions
  • API Reading and JSON Manipulation
    • Using HTTP requests to take data from the mentioned API
    • Parsing JSON strings into actual string, displayable format
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Forcasting
    • Interval can be change by tapping the FAB
    • Fluid interval preview animation
  • Network Connectivity Check
    • Stream listening to connectivity status
    • Error report upon internet connection issues or data retrieval problems

PS: To navigate from the details screen back to the homescreen, simply swipe the sign down.



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