Company Website

This project is a company website built through the "Course for Mastering Front End" from Hasoub Academy.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.


  • To start the development server, run npm run dev.
  • To build the project for production, run npm run build.

File Structure

  • src/js/index.js: Entry point for JavaScript files.
  • src/index.html: Main HTML file.
  • src/projects.html: Projects HTML file.
  • src/project-details.html: Project details HTML file.
  • src/blog.html: Blog HTML file.
  • src/blog-details.html: Blog details HTML file.
  • src/add-blog.html: Add blog HTML file.
  • src/about.html: About HTML file.
  • src/contact.html: Contact HTML file.
  • src/css/style.css: CSS styles.
  • src/fonts/: Fonts directory.
  • src/images/: Images directory.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the [LICENSE NAME] license. See the LICENSE file for more details.