
Its a repo for learn angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Documentation

What is Angular ?

Angular is a frontend framework for javascript which you can use to create web applications and you can also create SPA (single page application) that will be downloaded the website engine when the user visited the page and then change it locally on the browser therefor thats so fast and provide a great user experience

Angular developing requirements

  • Install last stable version of nodejs on your system
  • Install code editor for example : vs.code
  • Install angular cli globally

Create your first angular app

For create a new angular app you must open the terminal and run this command

ng new <app-name>

Hint 1 : ng referred to angular

Hint 2 : if you get this error cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system run the below command in your editor terminal

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

How to run ?

Run your app with ng serve command and Then enter the localhost:4200 url on your browser. boom here you are now you can should see this page on your browser


Hint : the angular app port is 4200 but if you wanna change that just add the --port your-port flag on the end of your start command


- Run develop server

yarn start or ng serve

- Build app for production

yarn build or ng build

- Test app

yarn test or ng test

Create component

- component without separate template file in html and without test files and set standalone to true

ng generate component <name> --standalone --inline-template --skip-tests

Hint : What is Standalone ? A Standalone component is a type of component which is not part of any Angular module. Prior to angular v14, usually when you would create a component, you'd pass it inside in the declaration array of the module.

- component with separate template file in html and test files

ng generate component <name> --standalone

Create a new angular interface

ng generate interface <name>

What is Angular Interface ?

In the context of web development using the Angular framework, an interface refers to a TypeScript feature that helps define the structure or shape of an object. Interfaces are used to specify the contract that classes or objects must adhere to, ensuring that they have certain properties and methods.

Purpose of Interfaces in Angular

  1. Defining Data Structures : Interfaces are used to define the structure of objects or data models. For example, you can create an interface to describe the shape of a user object with properties like name, email, and id.

    interface User {
      name: string;
      email: string;
      id: number;
  2. Type Checking : Interfaces help enforce type checking. When you create a class or object that implements an interface, TypeScript checks whether all the properties and methods required by the interface are present in the class or object. This helps catch errors at compile-time.

class Customer implements User {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  id: number;

  constructor(name: string, email: string, id: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.email = email;
    this.id = id;
  1. Custom Types : Interfaces can be used to create custom types, making it easier to work with complex data structures.
interface Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;

function calculateDistance(pointA: Point, pointB: Point): number {
  // Calculate distance logic here
  1. Component Input and Output : In Angular, you often use interfaces to define the structure of data that components accept as input or emit as output through @Input and @Output decorators.
@Input() user: User;
@Output() selected: EventEmitter<User> = new EventEmitter<User>();

Angular 17 requirements

Angular v17 supports node.js versions: v18.13.0 and newer Angular v17 supports TypeScript version 5.2 or later.