
Module that can convert text to Morse Code or decode it back to uppercase text.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Module that can convert text to Morse Code or decode it back to uppercase text.

How to use:

Simply download and add morse_code_pairs.py and morse_converter.py to your working directory and then import morse_encoder or morse_decoder to your python script and use them.

Example code:

from morse_converter import morse_encoder, morse_decoder
import pyinputplus

def main():
    text_to_encode = pyinputplus.inputStr(
        prompt="Please enter the text which you want to be converted into Morse Code:"
    encoded_text = morse_encoder(text_to_encode)
    print(f"Your text after Morse encoding is:\n{encoded_text}")
    print(f"Your original text is:\n{text_to_encode}")
    print(f"And the decoding is:\n{morse_decoder(encoded_text)}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Morse Code Table API

If you need the Morse Code table for your coding projects, you can send a GET request to the endpoint https://www.hossein.codes/morse-code/table and you will receive back the table in JSON format.


The Morse Code table has been compiled by combining the resources from the following websites:

Wikipedia Article About Morse Code

GitHub Repository

Morse Code Table for Electronics