
Simple online honey store written in Laravel, Vue JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Honey store

This is a single-product shop and RESTful API project for selling honey, implemented using Laravel 8 and Vue 3. It includes the basic features of a store, such as registering an order, a shopping cart, payment within the software and etc.


  • PHP 7.3+
  • NPM
  • Node JS 16+
  • Composer
  • Git
  • MYSQL 5.7+


  1. Clone the repo and cd into it. (git clone https://github.com/HosseinEn/Honey-Store.git)
  2. composer install (you have to install and add composer to you system env path before running this command
  3. Rename or copy .env.example file to .env
  4. npm install & npm run dev
  5. php artisan key:generate
  6. php artisan storage:link (Make sure you have storage directory in public folder or image and files won't show up!)
  7. Set your database credentials in your .env file.
  8. php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  9. php artisan serve
  10. Visit in your browser.


  • Single page application
  • Sanctum cookie-based session authentication service
  • Admin panel for managing orders, discounts, products, users and ...
  • Shopping cart
  • Zarinpal and Shetabit Payment
  • Data pagination
  • Sorting and filtering
  • Searchable tables
  • Vuex for state management and SPA authentication
  • persian-tools and jalali-moment for persian date and number formatting
  • axios for ajax requests
  • ...


You can check out the online demo at https://bobby.adiosmfs.ga/

Shopping cart page: shopping_cart

Checkout page: user_orders

Admin panel products table: products_table

Admin panel orders table: orders_table