
A hash table implementation Rust/C.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Hash Table Rust vs C.

  • hash table implementation in Rust vs in C.


  • I have used a simple struct to encapsulate my key value pairs, Rust was better because it has generics..

  • Rust

struct Cell<Key, Value> {
    key: Key,
    value: Value,
    taken: bool

struct HashTable<Key, Value> { 
    pairs: Vec<Cell<Key, Value>>,
    cap: usize, // Allocated.
    size: usize,
  • C
typedef struct Cell {
	char *key;
	int  value;
	bool taken;
} Cell;

typedef struct HashTable {
	Cell *Cells;
	size_t size;
	size_t cap;
} HashTable;


  • Hash function. Rust:
impl Hashable for String {
    fn hash(&self) -> usize {
        let mut hash: usize = 5381;
        for c in self.bytes() {
            hash = ((hash << 5).wrapping_add(hash)).wrapping_add(c as usize);



size_t hash(char *key) {
	size_t hash_ = 5381;
	for(;*key != '\0';*key++)
		hash_ = ((hash_ << 5) + hash_) + (size_t) *key;

	return hash_;

Hash function: Djb2 Doc