Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status Stories in Ready


$ npm install
$ npm start


$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install
$ gulp serve

Production Build

$ gulp

Build and optimize the site, ready for deployment. This includes linting as well as image, script, stylesheet and HTML optimization and minification.

Serve Production Build

$ gulp serve:dist

Serve the optimized and minified version of the site for local testing.

Deploy to gh-pages

$ gulp deploy

This builds for production, then deploys the dist folder to gh-pages.

Compress all images

$ gulp images

This command pipes all files in src/images through imagemin.

Brand Assets

All Copay brand assets can be found in copay-brand.


Translatable strings are extracted and added to the native locale file (locales/en.json) using s18n. A warning will be generated if a string is missing in any other locale file.

Simulate Translations

npm run simulate-translations

Simulates translation by mapping the s18n accents dictionary to the current en.json. This produces an accents locale, which can be previewed at the /accents route (e.g. localhost:3000/accents/)