
A published large-scale dataset - Weibo User Depression Detection Dataset.

Primary LanguagePython

Weibo User Depression Detection Dataset



  • The Weibo User Depression Detection Dataset (WU3D) contains normal user samples and depressed user samples collected by a crawler using the crawling API provided by the Weibo official.
  • The dataset is stored by JSON files, with depressed.json for the depressed users and normal.json for the normal users. It can be download from Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk (百度云盘,提取码yar1).
  • The detailed information fields of a user include:
Field Name Description Example
nickname User nickname, a short text. 小陈不要再抑郁了
gender User gender
profile A sentence of the user’s self-description, self-introduction, short text. 这世界那么多人又不缺我一个活着
birthday The birthday of the user, stored as a string in the format of "year-month-day". If the user does not fill in the year of birth, the "month-day" format is used. If the user does not fill in the information, the default content is "无" ("None" in English). 1991-07-25
label User label, 1 for depressed user, 0 for normal user. 1
num_of_follower The number of user followers. 3
num_of_following The number of user followings. 12
all_tweet_count The total number of all the tweets. 137
original_tweet_count The total number of original tweets. 128
repost_tweet_count The total number of repost tweets. 9
tweets Tweet field, a list of user tweets. -
tweet_content Tweet text content. 抗抑郁的第72天 这次抑郁发作的起因是因为感情和友情的处理不当无法解决这些问题的我有些头疼好像世界都已经把我抛弃了... :(
posting_time The posting time of the tweet. 2020-05-01 00:32
posted_picture_url A list of URLs of pictures posted in the tweet. If no pictures are sent, the default value is "None". ["http://wx2.sinaimg.cn/wap180/xxxx.jpg", "http://wx2.sinaimg.cn/wap180/yyyy.jpg"]
num_of_likes The number of likes. 1
num_of_forwards The number of forwards. 0
num_of_comments The number of comments. 3
tweet_is_original An identifier that identifies if the tweet is an original tweet. True
  • As of May 30, 2020, the candidate samples collected by the crawler and the various information of the samples in WU3D are shown in the following table. Once new data is updated later, the statistics in this table will be updated.
Dataset Category User Tweet Picture
Candidates Depressed 125479 5478806 2354701
Normal 65913 4927904 3631537
Total 191392 10406710 5986238
WU3D Depressed 10325 408797 160481
Normal 22245 1783113 1087556
Total 32570 2191910 1248037

Explanations and Issues

  • In order to protect the privacy of depressed users, we have deleted the user IDs in WU3D.

  • Instead, we have uploaded the crawler script and the script for data preprocessing. Researchers can further collect user samples based on our scripts. All the scripts and the deployment document README.md are placed in the folder WU3D_crawler_preprocessing.

  • If encoding='utf-8' doesn't work, try: encoding='utf-8-sig' when using Python to load the JSON file.

  • Other issues will be updated soon...

Contributions and Acknowledgements

  • All the depressed user samples were manually data labeled by anonymous data labeling specialists and reviewed by psychologists and psychiatrists. We are grateful for the suggestions and help of these anonymous individuals.
  • Chenghao Li (李丞浩) developed a Weibo data crawler and Zhang Yilin (张怡霖) carried out data screening and cleaning. The subsequent data labeling and expert review were also completed under the supervision and cooperation of both of them. We are very grateful for their work and contributions.
  • The interpretation right of this dataset belongs to Chenghao Li (李丞浩) and Zhang Yilin (张怡霖). If there are any questions about the dataset, please contact: