
Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

SQLite3 wrapper for AutoHotkey_H

Create an SQLite3 instance

sql := SQLite3(options:="", dll:="")
  • options - Configuration Options. This can be an object with parameters for option or an object with objects if you have multiple options with parameters
  • dll - the path and name of sqlite3 dll, default for Win32w is sqlite3_x86.dll and sqlite3_x64.dll for x64w. The dll can be loaded from Resources as well (e.g. when compiled) using for example FileInstall,sqlite3_x86.dll,?

Open Database

  • Database - A path to a database file on disk or network, use ":memory:" to create a database from memory.
  • DataBaseHandle - the name of the variable in which to store the database handle

Create Table from Object, File, String or ADO source

sql.TableFromObj(hDB, source, table, head:="", delete:=true, primary:="")
sql.TableFromFile(hDB, source, table, head:="", delimiter:="`t", skip:=0, trim:="", delete:=true, primary:="")
sql.TableFromString(hDB, ByRef source, table, head:="", delimiter:="`t", skip:=0, trim:="", delete:=true, primary:="")
sql.TableFromADO(hDB, Connection, Query, table, head:="", delete:=1, primary:="" )
  • hDB - database handle
  • source - object, path to a file or string to create the database items from
  • Connection - ADO connection string
  • Query - ADO query
  • table - name of the table to create, if table exists it will be deleted before
  • head - column definition, e.g. Col1 text, Col2 int, Col3 blob
  • delimiter - delimiter used for columns in file or string
  • skip - how many lines in source to skip (exclude)
  • trim - character to trim items, e.g. omit " for "item"
  • delete - true if table should be deleted / recreated
  • primary - primary column(s).

Query the database

sql.SQLToObj(hDB, SQL, column:=false)
sql.SQLToString(hDB, SQL, column:=true, separator:="`t", end:="`r`n")
sql.SQLToFile(hDB, SQL, path, column:=true, separator:="`t", end:="`r`n")
sql.SQLToADO(hDB, SQL, Connection, Table, delete:=true, head:="")
  • hDB - database handle
  • SQL - SQL statement. E.g. "Select * from MyTable"
  • path - file to save data to (content of file will be deleted before)
  • column - true to include column in output, false to output without header
  • separator - column separator
  • end - new line character(s)
  • Connection - ADO connection string
  • Table - table name for ADO
  • delete - delete table (ADO)
  • head - column definition for ADO

Execute SQL statement

sql.Execute(hDB, SQL)
  • hDB - database handle
  • SQL - SQL statement to execute

Show SQL Query result in ListView

sql.List(hDB, SQL, BlobToHex:=false)
  • hDB - database handle
  • SQL - SQL Query
  • BlobToHex - convert blob entries to hex

Column Declaration type for Table

sql.TableDeclType(hDB, Table)
  • hDB - database handle
  • table - Table name

SQL Query data type

sql.SQLType(hDB, SQL)
  • hDB - database handle
  • SQL - SQL statement