- 2
- 8
Sometimes a hotswap is missed
#614 opened by Artur- - 5
InvocationTargetException when debugging after upgrading to IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3
#615 opened by tyjuji - 0
Getting a lot of: HOTSWAP AGENT: 16:06:48.669 WARNING (org.hotswap.agent.plugin.spring.files.XmlBeanDefinitionScannerAgent) - Fail to fetch url from resource: (correct @Repository class here) defined in @EnableJpaRepositories declared on DatabaseConfiguration
#612 opened by sveinnetnordic - 4
Hotswapping of resources JBOSS/wildfly
#611 opened by haraleib - 2
Hotswap reduces application performance
#610 opened by UltraBlackLinux - 2
Does hotswapagent support reflectasm?
#609 opened by MartinVon1021 - 6
- 5
Obsolete frame ....
#604 opened by OldFriend697688 - 0
- 3
java.lang.VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic
#582 opened by Artur- - 0
The idea console will print the following information for a long period of time.。
#602 opened by Dashu207 - 8
HOTSWAP AGENT: 09:34:24.247 ERROR (org.hotswap.agent.annotation.handler.PluginClassFileTransformer) - InvocationTargetException in transform method on plugin 'class org.hotswap.agent.plugin.spring.boot.SpringBootPlugin' class 'org/springframework/core/env/MapPropertySource' of classLoader 'org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader' java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#560 opened by ayalandz - 3
Spring Plugin reports duplicate field exception
#600 opened by MartinVon1021 - 2
Spring plugin reload unsuccessful: When modifying parameters in RequestParam separately.
#594 opened by homejim - 19
- 3
How to measure the time for each hot reload?
#592 opened by homejim - 13
Infinite stream of hotswapping events
#589 opened by Artur- - 10
How to use HotswapAgent with Java 8?
#578 opened by homejim - 1
HotswapAgent watch /.m2/repository/ directory
#588 opened by xiangpingjiang - 2
- 1
Watcher not valid warnings
#586 opened by Artur- - 3
- 5
Issues with MyBatisPlus @Select Annotation and Reload Functionality in Mapper
#580 opened by shach1990 - 1
Macbook M3 ARM release?
#585 opened by asgaralee - 2
Release 1.4.2
#561 opened by Artur- - 8
Old version mybatis-plus doesn't work
#574 opened by Dashu207 - 2
Debug logging on info level from different plugins
#579 opened by Artur- - 4
- 8
- 9
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: ucp error while running with JetBrainsRuntime 17
#570 opened by pankajharness - 1
Solution to java.lang.NoSuchMethodException for org.zkoss.zel.BeanELResolver.__resetCache() in ZKPlugin
#568 opened by ignaciomarinreyes - 3
Use retransformClasses to replace redefineClasses to avoid bytecode update failure.
#564 opened by hengyunabc - 4
- 2
- 2
Multiple instances of MapperScannerRegistrar appear, causing subsequent updates to fail
#538 opened by XuxuGood - 3
Update xml sql in mybatis + spring boot project error and will not take effect
#550 opened by wallfacers - 1
How should I debug the modified class?
#555 opened by homejim - 0
Spring Plugin with Grails hitting a snag
#553 opened by davydotcom - 0
AnonymousClassPatchPlugin IllegalArgumentException
#552 opened by scosenza - 1
final static variable values duplicates when hot swap
#549 opened by UyCode - 2
1.4.2-SNAPSHOT inner class hotswap fail
#548 opened by XuxuGood - 4
1.4.2-SNAPSHOT (2024-03-16) release: org.hotswap.agent.javassist.NotFoundException: invokeCustomInitMethod(..) is not found in
#546 opened by jorgheymans - 3
Mybatis was introduced into the project, and the properties prompt was updated: No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment' available
#541 opened by XuxuGood - 0
Added an interface method. After hot update, a parameter error occurred in the request interface.
#539 opened by XuxuGood - 2
java -jar update mybatis failure
#542 opened by XuxuGood - 1
nested exception
#543 opened by XuxuGood - 1
Whether jdk21 version is supported
#540 opened by dazer007 - 0
Mybatis hot update xml error
#537 opened by XuxuGood - 6
Why does the hotswapagent 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT version of the jar not contain the springboot plug-in?
#536 opened by XuxuGood