
Various scripts to scrape the url of the current episode of podcasts

Primary LanguagePHP


Various scripts to scrape the url of the current episode of podcasts

The scripts are used in another project and may be useful to somebody.

List of podcast scraper

Titel URL Scraper Name
Hoaxilla - Der skeptische Podcast https://hoaxilla.com hoaxilla.php
Lehrezimmer Leaks https://lehrerzimmer-leaks.podigee.io lehrerzimmer.php
Nachgefragt http://nachgefragt-podcast.de nachgefragt.php
Tagesschau https://www.tagesschau.de tagesschau.php
Science Busters https://sciencebusters.at/podcast/ sciencebusters.php
Beats & Bones https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/de/museum/fuernatur-digital/beats-bones-der-podcast-aus-dem-museum-fuer-naturkunde-berlin naturkundemuseum.php

In case any author or hosting platform rule forbids scraping the url, just text me and the specific script will be removed.