UID2021: An Underwater Image Dataset for Evaluation of No-reference Quality Assessment Metrics

UID2021 includes six subsets (B, BG, G, H, LL, T): 60 source (raw) underwater images (i.e., SI_B_1), and their corresponding 900 quality improved versions (i.e., ERI_B_1_HP) generated by fifteen underwater image enhancement and restoration algorithms. The latest MOS values (from 77 observers) of the UID2021 is updated by increasing 25 observers with original 52 observers.

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cD8a_IsQHkQ_q-mDV6PvRql_gTZPRnk5/view?usp=sharing

Baidu Cloud Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13RRLEAecmNorylxkvdA6mQ Password: 2021

The UID2021 is for non-commercial use only. Please enjoy the 960 underwater images of different quality.  If you use this dataset, please cite the related paper. Thanks.

Guojia Hou, Yuxuan Li, Huan Yang, Kunqian Li, Zhenkuan Pan, “UID2021: An Underwater Image Dataset for Evaluation of No-reference Quality Assessment Metrics,” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2023, 4(19): 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1145/3578584