
PHP 8.1 with Symfony 6.1 and ApiPlatform 2.6. Blog application, features like Article, Category, Comment, User, Media

Primary LanguagePHP

This API is developed in Symfony with the ApiPlatform framework.
It is a blog type web application.

JWT (Json Web Token) token authentication.
A voter system to manage resource permissions is implemented.
API Platform uses classes called 'data persisters' that implements 'ContextAwareDataPersisterInterface' which is specific to ApiPlatform. In version 3.0 ApiPlatform use a 'state Processors'.  

Here are the resources;
    Users, with three defined roles (visitor, author and admin),
    File upload

Technology used ; 
    PHP 8.1
    Symfony 6.1
    ApiPlatform 2.6

useful links ;
    Doc ApiPlatform   :   https://api-platform.com
    Doc Symfony       :   https://symfony.com/