Universebenzene's personal Gentoo overlay.
Including some old software that no longer supported by official portage.
Alternative building of astropy related packages (more improvement for the doc building and testing, though some of them only work when the network-sandbox
FEATURE is diabled. See the USE descriptions for details. (more information)
Related overlay: benzene-testlay, with some packages testing. You can add it for interest.
This overlay is available on Gentoo repositories. You can add it simply through several tools (e.g.: layman -a benzene-overlay
or eselect repository enable benzene-overlay
It's recommended to mask the whole overlay and then unmask just the packages you need, in order not to get mixed up with other overlays with same packages. (e.g. for using wps-office: echo "*/*::benzene-overlay" > /etc/portage/package.mask/benzene-overlay; echo "app-office/wps-office::benzene-overlay" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask/benzene-overlay
Some science related miscellaneous python package are listed in a separate table below, in order to simplify the main table.
Doc/sphinx and Doc/MkDocs related packages are listed in separate tables here and here
Package name | Available version | Additional information |
app-editors/formiko | 1.4.3; (live) | |
app-i18n/fcitx-table-other | 0.2.4-r1 | Slot 4 with modified icon name in order to be enable to install along with fcitx:5. For more support for installing fcitx4 along with 5, try benzene-testlay. |
app-office/wps-office |; | Add CN version and more language support (encouraged by AUR). From you need to set locale outside to get multi-language support. Please focus on the output after merging the package |
app-pda/i4tools | 1.0.038{,-r1}; 1.0.055{,-r2} | net-nds/openldap-compat is included in this overlay for fixing the libldap_r-2.4.so.2 issue (爱思助手) |
app-text/{de,es,fr}helper | 12.7.1 | Converted from AUR (欧路德语/西语/法语助手) |
app-text/eudic | 12.7.1 | Converted from AUR (欧路词典) |
app-text/goldendict | 1.5.0; 22.12.02_p20230924104339; (live){,-r22} | Dropped by official portage. Fix the ebuild for pg_overlay. Version above 22 and 9999-r22 are forked versions from here which can use qtwebengine instead of qtwebkit |
app-text/powerword | 1.2 | Encouraged by AUR (金山词霸) |
app-text/ydcv | 0.7; (live) | Need other overlays (like guru or HomeAssistantRepository) if you enable pkg-info use. Some other issues here (有道词典命令行-python版) |
app-text/ydcv-rs | 0.6.3; (live) | |
app-text/ydgo | 0.6.3; (live) | Needs interactive inputing during merging process. PAY ATTENTION TO THE OUTPUT MESSAGES (有道词典命令行-go版) |
app-text/youdao-dict | 6.0.0-r2 | Converted from AUR. In order to use this you must use the patched QtWebkit and PyQt5 with webkit USE flag in this overlay INSTEAD OF THE OFFICIAL ONE (有道词典) |
app-vim/indentLine | 2.0; (live) | Live version is recommended |
app-vim/vim-indent-guides | 1.6; (live) | |
dev-cpp/gtkspellmm | 3.0.5 | Dependency for gimagereader[gtk] |
dev-lang/gdl | 1.0.0_rc3-r3; 1.0.1-r3; 1.0.3 | Allow gdl and the python module installed at the same time |
dev-python/aioftp | 0.22.3 | |
dev-python/corner | 2.2.2 | |
dev-python/exifread | 3.0.0 | |
dev-python/glymur | 0.12.0; 0.12.6_p1; 0.12.8; 0.12.9_p1 | |
dev-python/hsluv | 5.0.4 | |
dev-python/memray | 1.10.0; 1.11.0 | BINARY WHEEL VERSIONS are used to avoid npm building |
dev-python/oldest-supported-numpy | 2023.12.21 | The numpy version limitations are changed from == into >= . If you have better solution, just bring issues or pull requests. |
dev-python/parfive | 1.5.1; 2.0.2 | |
dev-python/PyQt5 | 5.15.10-r1 | Add webkit USE flag (dropped by official portage) to get youdao-dict in this overlay work |
dev-python/pytest-cython | 0.2.1 | |
dev-python/pytest-socket | 0.5.0; 0.7.0 | |
dev-python/api4jenkins | 2.0.3 | Test dependency respx is also included but not listed here |
dev-python/python-jenkins | 1.8.2; (live) | Dependency multi_key_dict is also included but not listed here |
dev-python/vispy | 0.13.0; 0.14.1 | Doc building may have problems with sandbox permission |
dev-python/yt | 4.0.5; 4.1.4; 4.2.2; 4.3.0 | Full doc building needs huge amount of data, so cannot complete locally. |
dev-python/zarr | 2.17.0 | |
dev-qt/qtwebkit | 5.212.0_pre20200309-{r1,r2} | Add patch to get youdao-dict in this overlay work (the -r2 is a test for upgrade EAPI to 8, and might be a little buggy with youdao-dict.) |
dev-util/micromamba{,-bin} | 1.5.6 | dev-util/mamba[micromamba] in gentoo-zh is recommended if you want source version and don't care about testing. Also need gentoo-zh to provide dependency dev-cpp/reproc , dev-cpp/tl-expected and sys-libs/libsolv . |
media-fonts/wps-office-fonts | 1.0 | WPS Linux旧版自带方正系字体 |
gui-apps/regreet | 0.1.1; (live) | Encouraged by guru but better naming and packaging. Needs enabling the guru overlay if you enable the cage flag. |
media-gfx/gpaint | 0.3.3 | With patches from Debian |
media-gfx/fontweak | 1.3.1 | GUI for fontconfig |
media-libs/gmtk | 1.0.9 | Dropped by official portage. Dependency of media-video/gnome-mplayer |
media-video/bcwc_pcie | (live version) | Slightly edited from menelkir's overlay. If you have any problems about enabling kernel options, take a look at this. |
media-video/facetimehd-firmware | (live version) | Converted from AUR. 9999 indicates the git repo of the downloading tool, not the real version of the firmware (1.43.0 right now). |
media-video/gnome-mplayer | 1.0.9-r1 | Dropped by official portage |
media-sound/ting-{de,en,es,fr}}-bin | 9.4.1 | 欧路每日德语/英语/西语/法语听力 |
net-im/electron-qq-bin (masked) | 1.5.7; 2.1.4 | Already deprecated and renamed as Icalingua (also in this overlay) |
net-im/electron-wechat-bin | 1.0.0 | Newer project of Electron-built WeChat, a.k.a. Freechat |
net-im/electronic-wechat-bin | 2.3.1; 2.3.2 (masked) | Version 2.3.2 is a fixed version by UOS header. However Tencent will limit your account if you use this version, so it's masked now. See here for more information. |
net-im/icalingua++-bin | 2.7.7; 2.9.13; 2.11.1 | Previously called Electron QQ. A branch of previous deleted repo, with limited support. |
net-im/wemeet |;; | Encouraged by AUR (腾讯会议) |
net-libs/libaxon-bin | 1.0.2 | Backend for Purple OICQ |
net-misc/baidunetdisk | 3.0.1; 4.3.0; 4.17.7 | Converted from AUR and encouraged by fixing from @vowstar (Also in gentoo-zh overlay, while upgrade will be faster here) (百度网盘) |
net-misc/baidupcs-go | 3.6.2; 3.8.1; 3.9.5_beta(template); 3.9.5; (live) | Also in gentoo-zh overlay, while upgrade will be faster here. Proxy may needed if you use the 9999 version, as the proxy.golang.org is banned in some regions |
net-misc/baidupcs-go-bin | 3.6.2; 3.9.5_beta(template); 3.9.5 | |
net-misc/landrop | 0.4.0; (live) | |
net-misc/sunloginclient |; | Converted from AUR, but versions ABOVE may have some problem with OpenRC users (needs libsystemd). See here for details and solutions(向日葵远程控制) |
net-misc/todesk | 4.1.0-r4; | Encouraged by AUR (ToDesk远程控制) |
net-misc/xunlei-download | | Converted from AUR (迅雷Linux) |
net-news/quiterss | 0.19.4; (live) | Dropped by official portage along with qtwebkit |
net-proxy/gg | 0.2.13; 0.2.18 | |
net-proxy/v2raya-bin | 1.5.1698.1; | Converted from AUR. Needs other overlays like gentoo-zh. From 2.2.1 only armv7 source is used for arm KEYWORD. If you need armv6 one, try editing the SRC_URI yourself. |
sci-astronomy/aladin-bin | 12.060 | |
sci-astronomy/astrometry | 0.78; 0.80; 0.85; 0.93 | Add USE for switching the netpbm support |
sci-astronomy/healpix | 3.82 | sci-libs/libsharp needed for the cxx USE flag is also in this overlay but not listed in this table directly |
sci-astronomy/topcat | 4.8; 4.9 | |
sys-block/diskus | 0.7.0; (live) | |
sys-libs/libsystemd | 254.8-r1; 254.9; 255.3; (live) | A standalone package to provide libsystemd.so for packages depend on the lib on non-systemd system. Still on trial. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA TO IMPROVE THIS PACKAGE JUST BRING ISSUES OR PULL REQUESTS. |
sys-libs/elogind-libsystemd | 0 | An alternative way to provide standalone libsystemd.so by just linking libelogind.so . Does not support multilib yet due to elogind itself. |
www-plugins/adobe-flash | | Dropped by official portage |
x11-libs/lain | (live version) | 9999 for old ebuild without lua targets support (masked); 9999-r100 with the new lua-single eclass |
x11-plugins/purple-oicq | 1.0.2; (live) | OICQ plugin (Tencent QQ support) for Pidgin/libpurple. |
virtual/libsystemd | 0 | A virtual package for choosing libsystemd.so packages |
Information for some of the astropy related packages are listed here.
Packages in this table might just be pulled in as dependencies by some sicense related python packages.
Package name | Available version | Additional information |
dev-python/adal | 1.2.7 | SunPy, h5pyd related |
dev-python/abg-python | 1.1.4 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/aggdraw | 1.3.16; 1.3.18 | Optional for ginga |
dev-python/aiobotocore | 2.11.2 | Pulled in by zarr |
dev-python/aioitertools | 0.11.0 | Pulled in by zarr |
dev-python/arviz | 0.17.0 | Optional for corner.py. |
dev-python/asciitree | 0.3.3 | Pulled in by zarr |
dev-python/azure-core | 1.26.3; 1.30.0 | Required by new msrest |
dev-python/bidict | 0.22.0; 0.23.1 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/check-manifest | 0.49 | Dropped by official portage. Required by xarray-datatree (test dep for arviz) |
dev-python/cmdstanpy | 1.0.8; 1.2.1 | Test dependency for arviz. Dependency stanio is included but not listed in the table |
dev-python/distributed | 2024.1.1; 2024.2.0 | Optional for arviz and spectral-cube |
dev-python/eventlet | 0.33.3; 0.35.1 | Dropped by official portage. Required by firefly{,-viz} |
dev-python/f90nml | 1.4.4 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/fastcache | 1.1.0 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/firefly-viz | 2.0.4 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/firefly | 3.2.4 | Optional for new yt |
dev-python/flask-socketio | 5.3.6 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/fusepy | 3.0.1 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/heapdict | 1.0.1 | Pulled in by zict and distributed |
dev-python/indexed-{bzip2,zstd} | 1.5.0 / 1.6.0 | Optional for yt (ratarmount{,core}) |
dev-python/rapidgzip | 0.12.1 | Optional for new ratarmount{,core} |
dev-python/libconf | 2.0.1 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/memory-profiler | 0.61 | Dropped by official portage. Test dependency for ccdproc |
dev-python/miniballcpp | 0.2.3 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/msrest | 0.7.1 | SunPy, h5pyd related |
dev-python/msrestazure | 0.6.4 | SunPy, h5pyd related |
dev-python/numcodecs | 0.12.1 | Pulled in by zarr |
dev-python/pykdtree | 1.3.11 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/pytest-repeat | 0.9.3 | Test dependency for new zict |
dev-python/pytest-textual-snapshot | 0.4.0 | Test dependency for new memray. Dependency syrupy is included but not listed in the table |
dev-python/python-socketio | 5.9.0; 5.11.1 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/python-xz | 0.5.0 | Optional for yt |
dev-python/rasterio | 1.3.8_p2; 1.3.9 | Optional for photutils. Dependencies are not all listed in the table |
dev-python/ratarmount | 0.14.0 | Optional for yt. Dependency ratarmountcore is also included in this overlay but not listed in the table |
dev-python/s3fs | 2024.2.0 | Test dependency for zarr and astropy>=5.2 |
dev-python/siosocks | 0.3.0 | Optional for aioftp |
dev-python/sortedcollections | 2.1.0 | Test dependency for bidict>=0.23.0 |
dev-python/textual | 0.52.1 | Pulled in by memray>=1.11. Dependency tree-sitter-languages is included but not listed in the table |
dev-python/colorspacious | 1.1.2 | Pulled in by cmyt. Dropped by official portage |
dev-python/cmyt | 2.0.0 | Pulled in by yt |
dev-python/unyt | 3.0.1 | Pulled in by yt |
dev-python/zict | 2.2.0; 3.0.0 | Pulled in by distributed |
Package name | Available version | Additional information |
dev-python/sphinx | 5.1.1; 7.1.2 | 5 for old myst-parser and myst-nb; 7.1 for glue-qt doc |
dev-python/ablog | 0.11.6 | |
dev-python/jupyter-cache | 0.6.1; 1.0.0 | |
dev-python/jupyter-sphinx | 0.5.3 | |
dev-python/jupytext | 1.16.1 | Build with wheel source to include Jupyter Lab Extenstion |
dev-python/myst-nb | 0.17.2; 1.0.0 | |
dev-python/myst-parser | 0.18.1-r1 | Only for myst-nb that depends on old version |
dev-python/runnotebook | 0.3.1; (live) | |
dev-python/sphinx-astropy | 1.6.0; 1.9.1 | See here for more information. |
dev-python/sphinx-asdf | 0.1.3; 0.1.4; 0.2.3 | |
dev-python/sphinx-autobuild | 2021.3.14; 2024.2.4 | |
dev-python/sphinx-autosummary-accessors | 2023.4.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-book-theme | 0.2.0; 1.0.1; 1.1.2 | network-sandbox FEATURE will be disabled if you enable doc flag for newest version. |
dev-python/sphinx-changelog | 1.5.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-click | 5.1.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-codeautolink | 0.15.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-design | 0.5.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-examples | 0.0.5 | |
dev-python/sphinx-hoverxref | 1.3.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-readable-theme | 1.3.0 | |
dev-python/sphinx-thebe | 0.2.1; 0.3.1 | |
dev-python/sphinx-togglebutton | 0.3.2 | |
dev-python/sphinx-contributors | 0.2.7 | |
dev-python/sphinx-mdinclude | 0.5.3 | |
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-srclink | 0.2.4 | |
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-youtube | 1.2.0; 1.4.1 | network-sandbox FEATURE will be disabled if you enable demo videos for doc building in version 1.2.0. |
dev-python/sphinxext-opengraph | 0.9.1 | |
dev-python/dask-sphinx-theme | 3.0.5 | |
dev-python/sunpy-sphinx-theme | 1.2.42; 2.0.2; 2.0.3 | |
dev-python/pydata-sphinx-theme | 0.13.3-r1 | Old version dropped by official portage, required by sunpy-sphinx-theme |
dev-python/mistune | 0.8.4-r1 | Only for sphinx-asdf that depends on old version |
dev-python/nbconvert | 6.4.5 | Depends on old mistune |
Package name | Available version | Additional information |
dev-python/docstring-parser | 0.15 | Optional dependency of pytkdocs |
dev-python/markdown-callouts | 0.3.0; 0.4.0 | mkdocstrings related (should be test depend) |
dev-python/mkdocs-coverage | 1.0.0 | mkdocstrings related (should be test depend) |
dev-python/mkdocs-git-committers-plugin | 2.2.3 | mkdocstrings related (should be test depend) |
dev-python/mkdocs-jupyter | 0.24.6 | |
dev-python/mkdocs-literate-nav | 0.6.1 | mkdocstrings related (should be test depend) |
dev-python/mkdocs-section-index | 0.3.8 | mkdocstrings related (should be test depend) |
dev-python/mkdocstrings-crystal | 0.3.5; 0.3.7 | |
dev-python/mkdocstrings-python-legacy | 0.2.3 | |
dev-python/pytkdocs | 0.16.1 | Dependency of mkdocstrings-python-legacy |