
TPM Instructions

The project uses only a TPM Simulator to guarantee functionality even on machines that do not have a TPM Chip. The TPM Simulator of choice is the IBM Simulator:

The installation instructions for the TPM Simulator should be found in a .doc file, e.g: ibmtpm.doc . On Linux, the only step needed should be to run make in the src directory.

Once the simulator is compiled, move the binary tpm_server into the project and run it. You should see that the simulator is listening on ports 2321 and 2322.

To run the project, firstly install the TCG TPM2 Software Stack implementation from: It may be possible to use other implementations, but the tpm2-tss implementation is guaranteed to work.

As for the libraries, this project uses tpm2-pytss: , its installation will work only if you installed tpm2-tss