
Show reviews, ratings or testimonials of your customers.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Review plugin for WinterCMS

Blocks Plugin

Show reviews, ratings or testimonials of your customers. No other plugin dependency.


  • Manage reviews from backend
  • Frontend components to display reviews


Let assume you're in the root of your wintercms installation

Using composer

Just run this command

composer require hounddd/wn-reviews-plugin


Clone this repo into your winter plugins folder.

cd plugins
mkdir hounddd && cd hounddd
git clone https://github.com/Hounddd/wn-reviews-plugin reviews

Note: In both cases, run php artisan winter:up command to run plugin's migrations


This plugin offer 2 components also availables as page snippets for Winter.Page plugin.

  • reviews display a paginated list of reviews
  • reviewsSlider display reviews in a slider

Show reviews with reviews component

title = "Our customers reviews"
url = "/reviews/:page?"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
categoryFilter = "{{ :category }}"
reviewsPerPage = 10
noReviewsMessage = "No reviews found"
sortOrder = "rating desc"
<h1>What our customers say about us?</h1>
{% component 'reviews' %}

reviews component properties

Property Type Description
pageNumber String Page parameter for pagination.
Default: '{{ :page }}'
reviewsPerPage String Numbre of reviews per page.
Default: '10'
categoryFilter String Either a category slug or the page parameter to use for filtering categories.
Default: ''
noReviewsMessage String Default: the lang.components.general.no_reviews_default key for translation file in use
sortOrder String The sorting order to use.
Possibles values:
  • title asc
  • title desc
  • created_at asc
  • created_at desc
  • updated_at asc
  • updated_at desc
  • rating asc
  • rating desc
  • random

Default: 'created_at desc'
ratingDisplay String Rating display type
Possibles values:
  • none: rating is not displayed
  • stars: use stars
  • text: use text
  • both: use both stars and text


Show reviews with reviewsSlider component

By default, the component lets you choose between different types of slider:

sliderType = "tailwind_alpine"
noReviewsMessage = "No reviews found"
sortOrder = "rating desc"
<h1>What our customers say about us?</h1>
{% component 'reviewsSlider' %}

reviewsSlider component properties

Property Type Description
sliderType String The slider type to render.
Possibles values
Possibles values:
  • tailwind_alpine
  • tiny_slider

Default: 'tiny_slider'
categoryFilter String Either a category slug or the page parameter to use for filtering categories.
Default: ''
noReviewsMessage String Default: the lang.components.general.no_reviews_default key for translation file in use
sortOrder String The sorting order to use.
Possibles values:
  • title asc
  • title desc
  • created_at asc
  • created_at desc
  • updated_at asc
  • updated_at desc
  • rating asc
  • rating desc
  • random

Default: 'created_at desc'
ratingDisplay String Rating display type
Possibles values:
  • none: rating is not displayed
  • stars: use stars
  • text: use text
  • both: use both stars and text

showDots Boolean Show dots navigation in review slider
Default: 0
showControls Boolean Show control buttons in review slider
Default: 0
showCounter Boolean Show a reviews counter
Default: 0
autoPlay String The delay in seconds before the slider must show the next review.
Default: '0' (disabled)
loadScripts Boolean The required scripts must be loaded by the component.
Default: 1

Sliders make use of javascript to control the slides, the needed scripts will be loaded automatically if you set the loadScripts component property to true.

Note: ⚠ As Tailwind is an utility CSS framework, it will not be loaded by the component. If you're using Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS slider, you may need to add the component's path to the content property of your theme's tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = {
content: [
        // ...
    // ...

🏆 Credits

Inspired by Mja.Testimonials VojtaSvoboda.Reviews plugin

Make awesome sites with ❄ WinterCMS!