
TagHelper to help building Pagination

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Current Version: 1.2.0


.NetStandard 1.6 or above


From Package-Manager Install-Package PaginationTaghelper
From .NET-CLI dotnet add package PaginationTaghelper

How To Use It

Add @addTagHelper PaginationTagHelper.*,PaginationTagHelper to your import _ViewImports.cshtml
Add pagination tag in your view


And add attributes to tag

These attributes are must to be added

Attributes Descriptions
total-items Your total items number
item-per-page Show the number of items in your each page
current-page Your current page of number, it's controled by your controller
page-action Your current view's action
page-controller Your current view's controller,not necessary when you use page-action attribute

For Examlpe:

<pagination total-items="@Model.TotalItems"

Optional attributes

Change your tags

Attributes Descriptions
tag-pagination Change you pagination tag,the default is nav
tag-page-group Change you page list group tag,the default is ul
tag-page-list Change you page list item tag,the default is li
tag-page-link Change you list item's link tag,the default is a
tag-page-icon Change you link icon tag,the default is span

Change your paging list attributes


Attribute property are all start with attrs-page-*.
The attribute's contents are all use json format.
For Example
You want to add class="form-control" to all page link the html will be like this:

You can also use "*" to do the number of sequence in your attribute.

For example:


Will generate list id like this...

<li id="pagelink1></li>
<li id="pagelink2></li>
<li id="pagelink3></li>
<li id="pagelink4></li>
<li id="pagelink5></li>
<li id="pagelink6></li>

note: the "*" is only use in the paging list,not for single button or link.

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-group Add attributes to your page-group list,the default has attribute class="pagination"
attrs-page-list Add attributes to you page list item,the default is empty
attrs-page-link Add attributes to your page list item,the default has aria-label="your page number"
attrs-page-icon Add attributes to your list item's icon,the default is aria-hidden="true"

Under the code will show what tags will be changed with attributes.

<ul> --> attrs-page-group will add attributes to this tag
  <li> --> attrs-page-list will add attributes to this tag
    <a href="pagelinks"> --> attrs-page-link will add attributes to this tag
      <span></span> --> attrs-page-icon will add attributes to this tag

Add attribute your first page button

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-first Add attributes to your first page button
attrs-page-first-link Add attributes to you first page button link
attrs-page-first-icon Add attributes to your first page button icon

Add attribute your last page button

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-last Add attributes to your last page button
attrs-page-last-link Add attributes to you last page button link
attrs-page-last-icon Add attributes to your last page button icon

Add attribute your previous page button

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-previous Add attributes to your previous page button
attrs-page-previous-link Add attributes to you previous page button link
attrs-page-previous-icon Add attributes to your previous page button icon

Add attribute your next page button

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-next Add attributes to your next page button
attrs-page-next-link Add attributes to you next page button link
attrs-page-next-icon Add attributes to your next page button icon

Add attribute your between page icon

Attributes Descriptions
attrs-page-between Add attributes to your betweeb page button
attrs-page-between-icon Add attributes to you between page button icon

Other optional properties

Attributes Descriptions
page-active-class Your current page active class,for bootstrap pagination is "active".other type pagination might be "current" or somethings,the default is active
page-disable-class Your current page disabled class,for bootstrap pagination is "disabled".other type pagination might be empty or somethings,the default is disabled
page-middle-length Show page length with current page left and right,for example PageMiddleLength is 2 and current page is 7 then it will show 5 6 7 8 9 pages ,the default value is 2
page-top-bottom-length Show page length with bottom page and top page length,for example PageTopBottomLength is 5 and current page is 1 then it will show 1 2 3 4 5 pages ,the default value is 5
page-previous-icon Show Previous Icon,It can be « or any string,the default is Previous
page-next-icon Show Next Icon,It can be » or any string,the default is Next
page-first-icon Show First Icon,It can be first number 1 or any string,the default is First
page-last-icon Show Last Icon,It can be last number or any string,the default is Last
page-show-first Show first page button or not,the default is true
page-show-last Show Last page button or not, the default is true
page-between-icon Show Between Icon,It can be ~ or any string,the default is ...
page-show-between Show between page dot ... or not,the default is true
page-swap-previous-first-btn Exchange previous page button and first page button,the default is false
page-swap-next-last-btn Exchange next page button and last page button,the default is false

Custom Query attribute

Attribute Description
current-page-parameter Add any strings what you want to use in your current page parameter,the default is page
page-qery-options Add json format string to your query parameter, It can be direct used json string in your razor view or serialize your query from the controller.For more detail please see my examlpe

PaginationTaghelper give you three interfaces to help you building with pagination

Interface Descriptions
IPagingObject For pagination this interface can implement in your model or view model to do paginations,it's optional interface
IQueryObject For querying this interface can implement in your model or view model to use in your query options,it's optional interface

PaginationTaghelper give you three IQueryable Extension methods to help you building with pagination

Extension Descriptions
ToSearchByList With two parameter,first is your search type,and second is your search item to map string what you have typed.
ToOrderByList With two parameter,first is your sort type,and second is sort descending?
ToPageList With two parameter,first is current page,second is your number of items per page.

For more example or details, please see my PaginationTagHelperExample