
Solutions for Advent of code 2021 in different programming languages.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Say Thanks! Open Source Love contributions welcome

Welcome to the Advent of Code1 project created by the Java Programmers Community.

In this repository, we provide solutions for the puzzles using different programming languages.

Repository Structure

Pull Requests should adhere this structure to be accepted

├── README.md
├── day01
├── day02
│   ├── groovy
│   |   └── rdmueller
│   |       ├── part1.groovy
|   |       |   part2.groovy
│   |       └── Description.md
|   |    
│   ├── [language]
│   |   └── [githubhandle]
│   |       ├── part1.[extension]
|   |       |   part2.[extension]
│   |       └── Description.md
|   └── README.md
├── day03
├── day04
├── ...

Contributing 🤝

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

License 📄

This code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License - see the License file for details


  1. Advent of Code – an annual event in December since 2015. Every year since then, with the first day of December, a programming puzzles contest is published every day for twenty-four days. A set of Christmas-oriented challenges provide any input you have to use to answer using the language of your choice.