HTTP Server

By: Huseyn Gambarov


Server is able to serve following HTTP requests:

  • GET
  • POST
  • HEAD

Following error codes are generated:

  • Error 404 - if the requested resource does not exist.
  • Error 400 - if the request is formatted wrongly. It includes: request is serialized in the wrong way, request headers have wrong values.
  • Error 503 - if the number of the simultaneously connected clients exceeds 100, server will respond with 503.


  1. Create python virtual environment:
    • python3 -m venv venv
    • source ./venv/bin/activate
  2. Install dependencies:
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

Run server:

  • python3 www

Run client:

  1. Client has multiple configurations.
    • Mandatory parameters:
      • server_ip - ip of the server
      • uri - resource that will be requested
      • method - method that will be used in the request
    • Optional parameters:
      • --data - should be specified if method is set to POST
      • -p - client will simulate partial request
      • -m - client will send multiple requests back to back

Run bad client to simulate Error 400:

  1. It has following mandatory parameters:
    • server_ip - ip of the server
    • uri - resource that will be requested
    • method - method that will be used in the request

Notable files

  • /backend/ - has configuration of the connection class
  • /utils/ - has all handlers that were used to handle requests and error, as well as intermediate processes
  • /utils/ - logger configuration that was used
  • - python file to simulate client
  • - python file to simulate bad request
  • - python script to simulate multiple clients

Used dependencies

  • colorama==0.4.6
  • ply==3.11

System versions

  • Python 3.11.6
  • Linux 6.5.0-21-generic x86_64
  • "Ubuntu 23.10"