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EasyApache 4 & BlueHost Symlink Protection Patch

This fork of apr includes the BlueHost Symlink Protection Patch for EasyApache 4 from cPanel.


  1. Go to the following link and click on your architecture: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Jperkster:/symlink_patch/
  2. Download the .repo file:
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/EA4-Symlink-Protection.repo $Link_to_repo_file
yum update


If you ever need to downgrade away from these packages, the following should work:

yum downgrade ea-apache24 ea-apache24-tools ea-apache24-mod_headers ea-apache24-mod_proxy ea-apache24-mod_suexec ea-apache24-mod_proxy_http ea-apache24-mod_unique_id ea-apache24-mod_mpm_worker ea-apache24-mod_ssl ea-apache24-mod_proxy_fcgi ea-apache24-mod_cgid ea-apache24-mod_deflate ea-apache24-mod_expires ea-apr