
Houzz Xcode plugin

Primary LanguageSwift

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Zcode Overview

Houzz Xcode plugin
Zcode is an Xcode plugin designed to prevent human errors when implementing multiple protocols and generating code.

Table of content


  1. Download latest Zcode package from the Releases.
  2. Copy Zcode to your Applications folder.
  3. Launch Zcode once. You can close it immediately afterwards.
  4. Go to System Preferences > Extensions > Xcode Source Editor > select Zcode Note: If you trying to upgrade/downgrade ZCode and your XCode doesn't pick it from the Applications folder, it means there are other instances of Zcode somewhere on your mac. Run "pluginkit -m -A -v | grep com.houzz.Zcode" and remove them.


Generate: Assert IBOutlets

Assert IBoutlets will detect all @IBOutlets in a class, and create an assert statement for each and one of them in viewDidLoad() or awakeFromNib() accordingly.

In case you forgot to implement viewDidLoad() or awakeFromNib() (depends on the context) - an Xcode warning will appear

Running this command will generate the following code

class Demo: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet var test1: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var test2: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var test3: UIButton!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Begin outlet asserts
        assert(test1 != nil, "IBOutlet test1 not connected")
        assert(test2 != nil, "IBOutlet test2 not connected")
        assert(test3 != nil, "IBOutlet test3 not connected")
        // End outlet asserts


Generate: Cast

Cast is one of the most popular commands in Zcode. Cast is used when conforming to DictionaryConvertible protocol.
All you have to do is declare the class or struct, inherit from NSObject and conform the DictionaryConvertible protocol, like so:

class Demo: NSObject, DictionaryConvertible {
    let id: Int
    let fullName: String?

Of couse this code will generate compilation errors, but after running Zcode's Generate: Cast command, it will look like this:

class Demo: NSObject, DictionaryConvertible {
    let id: Int
    let fullName: String?

    func dictionaryRepresentation() -> [String: Any] { // Generated
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        dict["Id"] = id.jsonValue
        dict["FullName"] = fullName?.jsonValue
        // Add custom code after this comment
        return dict

    required init?(dictionary dict: JSONDictionary) { // Generated
        if let v: Int = dict.value(for: "Id") {
            id = v
        } else {
            LogError("Error: Demo.id failed init")
            assert(false, "Please open API ticket if needed")
            return nil
        fullName = nilEmpty(dict.value(for: "FullName"))
        if !awake(with: dict) {
            return nil

Zcode Comments:

To enhance the power of Cast, you can apply your customization using special Zcode comments, maked with the prefix //!
Given the following demo JSON:

	"id": 1,
	"user": {
		"fullName": "John Appleseed",
		"nickname": "Johnny Boi",
		"birthday": 719487660000,
		"isAssigned": true
	"hobby": "Watching Squid Game on Netflix"

Here are the list of Zcode comments you can use to suit your needs:

  1. //! "User/FullName" - this comment will populate your property based on this path, accessing nested objects in the JSON hierarchy.
  2. //! msec "User/Birthday" - At Houzz, we represent dates in milliseconds, so adding msec to your Zcode comment will make sure to represent the Date in milliseconds.
  3. = - Equal sign defines a default value.
    For example, if we're parsing a nullable value, but don't want it to be null, use equal sign with your default value:
let name: String //! = "Anonymous" "User/FullName"
  1. ?? - This operator can help use another property as a fallback value, and can be nested multiple times.
let name: String //! = "Anonymous" "User/FullName ?? User/Nickname"
  1. //! ignore - This comment will tell Zcode to ignore everything regarding this property, and you will have to add your implementation manually after generating the code.
  2. //! ignore json - This comment will prevent Zcode from handling this property in dictionaryRepresentation() and nit?(dictionary dict: JSONDictionary) but it will be included in different protocols such as NSSecureCoding, Codable, etc..
  3. //! custom - Will automatically call a static parsing function called parse - which you will have to implement manually.
  4. Top of the file comments: 8.1 //! zcode: case camelCase - will parse the JSON properties in camelCase 8.2 //! zcode: case CamelCase - will parse the JSON properties in CamelCase 8.3 //! zcode: case screamingSnake - Will parse the JSON properties in screaming snake case (mix of upper case and snake case). e.g PROJECT_OWNER 8.4 //! zcode: emptyIsNil on/off - Will treat empty strings as nil 8.5 //! zcode: logger off
  5. Zcode generates a unique fingerprint based on the current code, if you change your property types or modify the class, the fingerprint will update after you run the Cast command.
    9.1 Zcode contains a pre-commit hook, and it make sure that you ran the cast command after modifying your entity. If you forget to run Cast, your code will not be committed and a notification will be shown

If you'd like to add some custom behavior prior initialization of your entity, you should implement awake(with dictionary: JSONDictionary) and return true/false representing if this property should be initialized or not

class Demo: NSObject, DictionaryConvertible {
    let dueDate: Date

    func dictionaryRepresentation() -> [String: Any] { // Generated
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        dict["DueDate"] = dueDate.jsonValue
        // Add custom code after this comment
        return dict

    required init?(dictionary dict: JSONDictionary) { // Generated
        if let v: Date = dict.value(for: "DueDate") {
            dueDate = v
        } else {
            LogError("Error: Demo.dueDate failed init")
            assert(false, "Please open API ticket if needed")
            return nil
        if !awake(with: dict) {
            return nil

    func awake(with dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Bool {
        dueDate < Date() // Due date has not passed yet

We'd like to parse a Person object with data based from the JSON above. We can use the power of Zcode comments to our advantage:

class Person: NSObject, DictionaryConvertible {
    let id: Int
    let name: String //! = "Anonymous" "User/Name ?? User/Nickname"
    let birthday: Date? //! msec "User/Birthday"
    let age: String //! ignore

    func dictionaryRepresentation() -> [String: Any] { // Generated
        var dict = [String: Any]()
        dict["Id"] = id.jsonValue
        var dict1 = dict["User"] as? [String: Any] ?? [String: Any]()
        dict1["Name"] = name.jsonValue
        if let birthday = birthday {
            dict1["Birthday"] = Int(birthday.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
        dict["User"] = dict1
        // Add custom code after this comment
        dict["age"] = "29" // This line was added manually
        return dict

    required init?(dictionary dict: JSONDictionary) { // Generated
        if let v: Int = dict.value(for: "Id") {
            id = v
        } else {
            LogError("Error: Person.id failed init")
            assert(false, "Please open API ticket if needed")
            return nil
        name = nilEmpty(dict.value(for: "User/Name")) ?? nilEmpty(dict.value(for: "User/Nickname")) ?? "Anonymous"
        birthday = dict.value(for: "User/Birthday")
        age = "29" // This line was added manually
        if !awake(with: dict) {
            return nil

Generate: Cast read

Similar to Cast, Cast read will only generate a func read(from dict: JSONDictionary) function.
The content of the function is also based on the entity's properties, similar to Cast.
Cast read will only populate variable fields.
Following our previous example:

class Person: NSObject, DictionaryConvertible {
    var name: String //! = "Anonymous" "User/FullName"

    func read(from dict: JSONDictionary) { // Generated
        if let v: String = nilEmpty(dict.value(for: "User/FullName")) {
            name = v

        // Add custom code after this comment

Generate: NSCoding

NSCoding will generate code that conforms your entity to NSCoding protocol, based on your properties.
Note: Zcode comments will not affect this code generation command

class Person: NSCoding {
    var name: String

     required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { // Generated
        if let v = String.decode(with: aDecoder, fromKey: "name") {
            name = v
        } else {
            return nil
        // Add custom code after this comment

    func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) { // Generated
        name.encode(with: aCoder, forKey: "name")
        // Add custom code after this comment

Generate: NSCopying

NSCopying will generate code that conforms your entity to NSCoding protocol, based on your properties.
To use this command, your entity must conform to NSCoding and NSCopying protocols. Note: Zcode comments will not affect this code generation command

class Person: NSCoding, NSCopying {
    var name: String

    func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) { // Generated
        name.encode(with: aCoder, forKey: "name")
        // Add custom code after this comment

     required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { // Generated
        if let v = String.decode(with: aDecoder, fromKey: "name") {
            name = v
        } else {
            return nil
        // Add custom code after this comment

    func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any { // Generated
        let aCopy = try! NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClasses: [Person.self], from: NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self, requiringSecureCoding: true))!
        // Add custom code after this comment
        return aCopy

Generate: Init

This command creates an initializer for your entity, based on it's properties. You can use the default value Zcode comments from Cast to define default values in the initializer.

class Person {
    let id: Int //! = 0
    let name: String? //! = "Anonymous"
    let birthday: Date

    init(id: Int = 0, name: String? = "Anonymous", birthday: Date) { // Generated Init
        self.id = id
        self.name = name
        self.birthday = birthday
        // Add custom code after this comment

Generate: Make Defaults

To use Make Defaults, your entity must inherit from UserDefaults, if you forget to do so, an Xcode warning will be shown: image

This command parses a list of DefaultKey and creating a property for each of these keys in a separate extension (generated).
Each generated property will have the getter and setter.

It's recommended (but not mandatory) to use a static var called allKeys which is an array of DefaultKey to declare about all of your keys.

class DemoDefaults: UserDefaults {
    static let allKeys: [DefaultKey] = [
        DefaultKey("id", type: .int, options: [.objc, .write]),
        DefaultKey("name", type: .string, options: [.objc, .write]),
        DefaultKey("isAssigned", type: .bool, options: [.objc, .write])
// MARK: - Generated accessors
extension DemoDefaults {
    @objc public var id: Int {
        get {
            return integer(forKey: "id")
        set {
            set(newValue, forKey: "id")

    @objc public var name: String? {
        get {
            return object(forKey: "name") as? String
        set {
            set(newValue, forKey: "name")

    @objc public var isAssigned: Bool {
        get {
            return bool(forKey: "isAssigned")
        set {
            set(newValue, forKey: "isAssigned")

Generate: Multipart Dictionary

⚠️ This command is no longer needed, use Cast or Cast read instead. ⚠️

Generate: Codable

This command generates encode(from encoder: Encoder), init(from decoder: Decoder) and CodingKeys enum.
Your entity must conform to the Codable protocol

class Person: Codable {
    let name: String

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { // Generated
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
        // Add custom code after this comment

    required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { // Generated
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        name = try container.decodeString(forKey: .name)
        // Add custom code after this comment

    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { // Generated
        case name
        // Add custom code after this comment

Insert: Custom save state functions

This command will override the relevant methods used to support restore state, which are available if your class subclass UIViewController.

class DemoViewController: UIViewController {
    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case <#key#>

    override open  func saveState(to encoder: Any) throws {
        guard let encoder = encoder as? Encoder else { return }
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        <#Encode view controller state here#>
        try super.saveState(to: encoder)

    override open  func restoreState(from decoder: Any) throws {
        guard let decoder = decoder as? Decoder else { return }
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        // View is not yet loaded, insert _ = view if need to load view
        <#Decode view controller state here#>
        try super.restoreState(from: decoder)

    // return a view controller, don't call restore on it, if this is a superclass that is not supposed to be saved
    // directly, can omit implementing this function if shouldSaveState return false
    open override class func viewController(using decoder: Any) throws -> UIViewController {
        guard let decoder = decoder as? Decoder else { throw SaveStateError(.notStateDecoder) }
        <#Create view controller here#>

    // Return if we should save state on this controller (can change during controller lifetime)
    open override var shouldSaveState: Bool { true }


Deploying a new version

  • update Config.xcconfig with the new build and config numbers
  • create a new tag with the version name
  • on your local machine, archive the zcode project
  • select "Distribute" using "Development" option


* select "Automatically sign" option


* compress the generated `Zcode.app` app into `Zcode.zip` * create a new release using https://github.com/Houzz/Zcode/releases/new * the new release title is the version number * drag the zip file into the release and publish!

Missing Zcode from the xcode menu?

  1. Make sure your Xcode is named exactly Xcode.app and not something like Xcode14.app
  2. Make sure zcode is enabled in the extensions manager


