Godot plugin for Wave Function Collapse 3D. Wave function collapse is a procedural content generation algorithm, that generates maps based on set of objects and adjacency rules between them.
In a 3D scene create a new wave_function_collapse node.
Add a GridMap as a child and set a MeshLibrary for Gridmap
Create a new WFC_object_list resource and add it to the wfc_node
Selecting the WFC node in a WFC editor dock should open
Plugin uses a rule-based system, where you can add rules to object sides, which lets objects connect to any object with matching rule. There are also special rules, that won't let objects connect with sides that have the same rule
You can add base rules that you can set for your objects. When adding a rule you can change their name, color and make it special.
Adds object to WFC object list. For adding an object you need to provide a name and mesh. Mesh can be left empty.
You can observe the object from 6 sides and add rules to them.
After adding a rule you can select from all predefined rules
Under Connecting tiles you can see objects that connect to the selected object's current side.
You can duplicate an object and rotate it around the y-axis. If multiple rotations are selected then all duplicates are made
Deletes object from WFC object list
Runs WFC and places objects into the Gridmap
The clear button clears the Gridmap of all meshes