
A python app to capture attendance QR code.

Primary LanguagePython


Attendance auto for fun

Just for fun, please attend classes :D

🚀 Elevating Online Class Attendance to Warp Speed 🚀

When the world went virtual, so did we. But not without a dash of ingenuity. Enter AttendanceAuto: the Python-powered sidekick for every online class superhero who's ever dreamed of multitasking through another 8 AM lecture. Why manually mark your attendance when you can automate the mundane and focus on what really matters—like brewing that perfect cup of coffee?

🌟 Never Miss a Beat with Pushbullet Notifications

Gone are the days of constantly checking if your attendance was captured. With the latest Pushbullet integration, AttendanceAuto now sends real-time notifications directly to your device. Whether you're making breakfast or on a secret mission, stay informed the moment your attendance is marked.

🧠 The Genius Behind the Gadget

Crafted amidst the chaos of online classes, AttendanceAuto scans your screen for attendance QR codes, captures them faster than you can say "Present!", and ensures you're marked present even as you're catching those extra Z's. It's like having your own attendance butler—polite, efficient, and never asking for a day off.

🎩 Features

  • Auto-Capture Superpowers: Automatically detects and captures attendance QR codes. Blink, and you'll miss it!
  • Pushbullet Notifications: Get immediate notifications on your device when attendance is captured. Never wonder if you were marked present again!
  • Snooze-Friendly: Perfect for those mornings when your bed's gravitational pull is too strong.
  • Pandemic-Proof: Born in the pandemic, ready for the future of online learning.

🚀 Instructions on using the AttendanceAuto_v2.1.1 (BETA)

  1. Sign up or log in to PushBullet website
  2. On your phone, go to playstore/appstore to download Pushbullet. Login with the same account.
  3. Go to My Account in PushBullet
  4. Scrow down and create a new token for your account.(DO NOT SHARE YOUR TOKEN)
  5. Copy the key.
  6. Open AttendanceAuto, enter your API key.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. Open your MS Teams, go afk.

📸 Snapshots of Victory

Dive into the screenshots and status_screenshots directories to witness AttendanceAuto in action. It's proof that even in the virtual world, we can conquer with creativity and code.

📚 A Note to Fellow Academics

AttendanceAuto was created for fun and educational purposes during an unprecedented time in our lives. It stands as a testament to the spirit of learning, innovation, and a touch of mischief. Use it wisely, and remember—the true power lies in knowledge.

If you are going to setup the project

  1. Install python, 3.7 or above. Along with pip

  2. Install the required libraries: sh python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    Use the command above in terminal to install the dependencies.

  3. Double click to run the script OR Run AttendanceAuto_v2.py using TERMINAL.

    1. Open terminal
    2. cd to the folder containing AttendaceAuto_v2.py
    3. use the command below to run the application.
      python .\AttendanceAuto_v2.py

    1. make sure that MS Teams is visible when the script is running
    2. please dont interrupt the pc when the browser is opened.
    3. make sure you logged into your apspace on your default browser.