
MailFS: a simple fs based on FUSE.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple mailfs based on FUSE !!


  • python >= 3.6
  • fuse


Install FUSE


File Structure

+ site
    + mailbox1
    |       |
    |       + Sender
    |           |
    |           + Subject
    |               |
    |               + content.txt
    |               + content.html
    |               + ...
    |               + files
    |                   |
    |                   + file1
    |                   + ...
    + mailbox2
    + mailbox3
    + ...
    + send
        + To Address
                + Subject
                    + content.txt
                    + content.html
                    + ...
                    + files
                        + file1
                        + ...


python main.py mount [-s STORAGE] [-t TIMEOUT] [-r RETRY] [-c CONFIG]
  • STORAGE: Path to somewhere to cache data. default = ./storage.
  • TIMEOUT: IMAP & SMTP socket connection timeout (s). default = 10 seconds.
  • RETRY: Max times of IMAP & SMTP login retry. default = 2 times
  • CONFIG: Path to configuration json file. default = config.json.


    "site name": {
        "suffix": "Email address suffix such as 'mails.tsinghua.edu.cn'",
        "account": "YOUR ACCOUNT",
        "password": "PASSWORD",
        "encoding": "Default encoding",
        "receive": {
            "host": "IMAP Server Address",
            "port": 993,
            "ssl": true
        "send": {
            "host": "SMTP Server Address",
            "port": 465,
            "ssl": true
    "another site": {
        // ...

Mail Structure

  • /subject/content.* : body of this email.
  • /subject/files/* : attached files in this email.

Send Mail

Use command chmod 777 <site_name>/send/<to>/<subject> to send an email after putting correct mail structured files to <site_name>/send/<to>/<subject>.